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Writing a Bill for Congress

QUESTION: Marty; did I hear correctly in your interview with Glen Downs that you are writing a bill to eliminate debt to be introduced to Congress? DB ANSWER: Correct. I will go over that at the Solution Conference. I have written legislation legalizing gold at state levels back in 1974. So I have been there […]

Fiat and the Abuse of Using This Term

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong People seem to just equate any non commodity form of money as being fiat. But fiat means a value dictated by government. There seems to be a foot-loose use of the word fiat to the point I am not sure what people are yelling about. Bitcoin fluctuates wildly so where is the […]

Default or Restructure

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, I was reading your blog posting on, “Real Estate 15yr v 30yr Mortgage & New Electronic Currency Coming” and you state that with the new electronic currency coming (which, as you say, will be the new reserve currency), governments should not be able to borrow and debts should be eliminated.  I agree […]

Switzerland Joins NSA in Monitoring its Citizens

The Swiss have now introduced the Enlightenment Intelligence Agencies Act which expands the powers of government to secretly track citizens, tap phones, and to do so even if the person is not actually charged with or suspected of a crime. One by one, every country seems to be turning to Stalinist type tactics and are […]

Gold & a Rally for $40,000 By Year-End? Come on!

COMMENT: Marty, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your work. I lost more than half of my savings following the goldbugs. I saw the light and sold on this last rally you called would be a “pop”. You called the low perfectly and then nailed the very day of the high. I can […]

Using Pollution to Manufacture “Climate Change”

  Massive chunks of ice have come on shore at Cape Cod. The Global Warming nut-jobs are attributing this too to “Climate Change” caused by man. The fascinating aspect is they cannot explain their theory beyond 1900. They totally ignore basic physics that the sun is a thermal dynamic system which beats like your heart. […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis on Steroids

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First thank you so much for sharing with us your views of how the world really functions. While there are the typical conspiracy arguments, you are the only one with experience. My nephew works in a major top 10 bank. He told me everyone reads you on the trading desks and […]

The One-World Currency – Not Arriving Voluntarily

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, do you believe there is a conspiracy to create a one world currency to which the central banks ascribe to? Thank you JE ANSWER: No. That is thrown around by the real conspiracy theorists who see everything as a giant planned plot form people who are actually in control of something. This is […]

The Upcoming Conferences & the Difference

The March Solution Conference is explaining what is happening and presenting practical solutions for the future. This is designed for everyone. We are preparing a bill for Congress to be championed on Capitol Hill. It is perhaps strategically designed to start a debate that there is the other side of Marxism where taxes are truly no […]

Germany Threatens Greece with Bankruptcy? Should be Other Way Around.

 has German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has threatened Greece with the state bankruptcy if Athens did not serve its debt with the ECB and the IMF. Greek Finance Varoufakis said they would like to pay, but would not have the money. He therefore wants to negotiate with the ECB on a haircut.In this case, billions would be lost to […]