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Trump & the Trade War

People really think we have free trade and somehow Trump is reversing that fact. This, of course, is how the press has portrayed the issue, but that is just far from the truth. Trump is now looking at putting a 20%-25% tariff on cars coming from Europe. Personally, I only have German cars so I […]

Connecting the Dots Behind the Curtain?

There is an interesting piece running around the internet that someone has put together. Other than Lisa H. Barsoomian, the connections are true. Indeed, the characters in the play are all incredibly connected and it certainly appears that there is a deep and dark conspiracy against Trump. But this is not against Trump simply because they […]

Will Impeachment Make the Market Decline?

Trump has said that if he left office, the stock market would decline. Those who are against Trump have actually made comments like: “It’s a ridiculous remark — the kind of thing a Latin American dictator or a Middle Eastern strongman would say to keep supporters in line.” This was carried by CNBC and all […]

It’s Not About Trump & People Are Too Stupid to Even Look at the Trend in Motion

QUESTION: It is so confusing. Hillary took money from foreign governments which is treason and that’s ok. Cohen pays two women to keep their mouth shut and that’s a crime? It seems that this is all one giant game to prevent any reform. They seem to select who to prosecute not because they did something. What […]

Banks Freezing Cyrpotcurrency Accounts under Presumption of Guilt?

  The story running around on news tells the tale of an individual who legally sold large amounts of cryptocurrency at a profit found that Clydesdale Bank decided to freeze all assets involving people who had been involved in cryptocurrencies. The man had no criminal convictions and had always complied with British laws on […]

Cohen Flips & Stormy Daniels is Out to Overthrow Trump

The world of politics is coming unglued today with Trump’s campaign chairman Manafort convicted on 8 felony counts. None of this really implicates Trump, but the real problem is with his former lawyer Michael Cohen who is pleading guilty on 8 felony counts directly implicating Trump in campaign violations. The Justice Department in New York City […]

Second Earthquake in One Day Hits Lombok, Indonesia

  Another earthquake hit now in Indonesia but this was a 6.9 and much shallower. It has resulted in a landslide from Mount Rinjani after another earthquake hits Lombok. It really would be nice if we simply realize that everything is connected cyclically. We have now had two quakes hit the very first day our computer projected a […]

California Real Estate Peaks and Begin a Crash

California has joined the states with not just the highest taxes in America, but it has become one of those states that people are just leaving resulting i9n a net outward-migration. There is a logical consequence when a state becomes a place people are trying to flee from – real estate MUST decline in value. […]

What About Australia?

QUESTION: It is clear our government seems to be going crazy. I know you use to live here in Sydney. We met many times when you did conferences here. I also know you once said you would like to retire in Australia. Has that changed? Paul ANSWER: Well, my dreams of retirement have not been […]

Bundesbank Demands Explanation for Requests for Cash

The German central bank, the Bundesbank, has significantly expanded its ability to control and access cash transactions in the hunt for taxes. They have required statements and assurances from cash-demanding commercial banks for the purpose of the intended business requiring cash. The Bundesbank has declined to comment on the new policy. The Federal Association of German Banks […]