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US East Coast Risk of Tsunami & Earthquakes that Threaten NYC

QUESTION:  Hey Marty, Thanks for all your insight the last few years on what the models are projecting for volcanic & seismic activity. As usual, you’re on the money. The forecast of events laying out to 2032 is really starting to add up in their interconnectivity. God help us all. My question is regarding the […]

Winnipeg Grain Exchange Closing Right in Time for the Cycle

  Canada’s last commodity exchange is closing. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange, which was established in 1887, will shut down for good after its owner transfers the bourse’s only remaining futures contract to New York. It is ironic that when a decision like this is made, it is often a sign of a major change in […]

Capital Flows Not Central Banks Are Holding Up US Economy

      QUESTION: Dear Martin, Re: Non-Farm Payrolls Blowout All Analysts Show USA is Still Holding Up the World I am been following you for a number of years and believe you to be one of the best-informed analysts in the world. However, your latest email concerning the gobbledygook reported by the BLS for May’s […]

Seattle Made Top 10 Most Expensive Cities to Live Before the Homeless Tax

  Business Insider has published a map of the top 10 most expensive places to live and work and guess what – Seattle is in the list even before they impose this new outrageous tax of $275 per employee for companies that do more than $20 million in business annually. They claim it is for the homeless people which […]

Will We Have Anything Left to Leave Our Grandchildren?

QUESTION: Martin Thanks again for all you do. The subtext of most of what you talk about is overwhelmingly negative. Inflation, deflation, earthquakes, disease, government default, over taxation….. etc. Am I correct in thinking that despite your advice you anticipate most of your readers, even the most wealthy, will be left with little to hand over […]

American Media Blocked in Europe

The American media companies such as Tronc and Lee Enterprises are now totally dark in European Union countries. Some of those sites include the Los Angeles Times, the New York Daily News, the St. Louis Dispatch, the Chicago Tribune, and the Orlando Sentinel. It appears that various American media have decided to simply block Europe […]

Yes even Sports Comply with Cycles

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I have a friend in the management of the NFL. I sent him your piece on the decline of their industry and how the protests were really turning people off. Well, they have now banned protests during the game. They revised their policy mandating that players and team personnel present on the […]

Jesse Livermore – Greatest Trader of All Time?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: Thanks for your soon reply. I ask you: 1. Why do you consider Jesse Livermore the greatest investor of all time?. 2. Which are the main reasons?. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Sincerely, JEMV ANSWER: Jesse Livermore (1877 – November 28, 1940), was a famed American […]

Seattle Tax For Homeless or Just for Government?

The outrageous tax of $275 per employee for companies that do more than $20 million in business annually by the city of Seatle for the claimed housing of homeless people is really over the top. It’s not just Amazon, there are a number of businesses being hit. Cities are becoming the place to avoid. This is […]

Did Obama Use the FBI the Same as Nixon Used His Own People to Spy on Opposition?

  While Robert Mueller was not in charge of the FBI after 2013, the new revelations that the FBI was spying on members in the Trump Campaign are very alarming. This is revealing just how deep the FBI has been trying to overthrow Trump. The integrity of the entire Justice Department is really called into […]