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The West is Crumbling & Putin Knows it

QUESTION: It appears that Russia has shifted its focus claiming it may need to protect Russian citizens in Eastern Ukraine. You seem to have more insight than what I read elsewhere. Biden is now scrambling with Borris here in London on a way to appease Russia. Do you think this will succeed? SL ANSWER: This […]

Putin Has Won

In all honesty, Biden is the very last person you should put on the phone with Putin, who is clearly the most intelligent world leader on the stage today. The US is showing it is pathetic, incompetent, and barks but has no teeth. The West has clearly surrendered Ukraine to Russia. There is no way […]

Market Talk – February 11, 2022

ASIA: The Reserve Bank of India’s monetary policy committee (MPC) stuck to its accommodative policy stance to help the economy recover from the pits of the pandemic, keeping the key lending rate at record lows on Thursday. As expected, the MPC held the lending rate, or the repo rate, at 4%. The RBI however, surprised […]

2032 & Knowing Your Enemy

Our computer has projected this tumulous period where governments fall and the last 13 years would be dominated by political chaos. All of this is very stressful indeed. However, that does not mean that the future is bleak and that life as we know it will end. Thomas Jefferson wrote to James Madison on February […]

Market Talk – February 10, 2022

ASIA: Business investment commitments into Singapore dropped about 31% last year, marking the first decline in five years, and after hitting a more than decade high in 2020, government data showed on Wednesday. Commitments for investments in fixed assets such as facilities, machinery, and other equipment shrank to S$11.8 billion ($8.78 billion) in 2021 but […]

Market Talk – February 9, 2022

ASIA: A prolonged slowdown in China’s economic growth could hurt some multinational companies and commodity producers for years to come, casting a shadow over the global recovery from the pandemic—but likely not derailing it entirely. Sputtering momentum in China’s economy—which accounts for about 15% of global trade and a quarter of projected global economic growth in […]

Gresham & Fiat Currency – Theories Long Since Replaced

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Out of my utmost respect, you do stand-alone where all these analysts are calling for the collapse of debt and equity because of fiat currency. They may claim to have been there for the and 2008 bubbles, but you have been there for all of them. The blame they lay on […]

Will the Winter Games be a PR Disaster?

The Winter Olympics opened to a lackluster start with only 14 million viewers, marking the least-viewed Olympics in the ceremony’s history. Beijing permitted 150,000 live spectators to attend the games at the last minute. Although this is not a lucrative endeavor for China, the minuscule audience is a blow to its public relations campaign. China […]

Schwab Admits he Controls Trudeau & Cabinet of Canada – Now the World

Schwab has publicly bragged that he has “penetrated” cabinets around the world to force his economic philosophies upon the people circumventing any right of the people to vote. This was at his talk at Harvard. He has infiltrated Harvard and has brought his agenda to be taught there. This is what he is doing. He […]

Market Talk – February 7, 2022

ASIA: Property prices in Singapore have climbed in the past two years, and will likely keep going up despite the government’s efforts to cool the market, CNBC reported. Private residential prices could rise between 1% to 3% in 2022, according to Leonard Tay, head of research at real estate agency Knight Frank Singapore. Prices of […]