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Connectivity is Everything

I have been stating all along that attempting to forecast gold in isolation is the equivalent of summoning a witch doctor for cancer. Everything in this world is connected. Civilization unfolds as a synergy of people coming together and the sum is greater than the individual parts. This too, is what government is tearing apart […]

Goldman Sachs a Target for Hiding Greek Debt?

The story of a possible lawsuit against Goldman Sachs over hiding Greek debt is starting to make the press. We do most certainly live in interesting times. The Independent is now reporting that a leading adviser to debt-riven countries has offered to help Athens recover some of the vast profits made by the investment bank Goldman Sachs […]

NO Vote Around 55% in Greece

Our staff in Athens right now is reporting that it appears the NO vote has the majority. This vote demonstrates that Brussels has been dead wrong with austerity for the last five years. This is likely to encourage a contagion. Brussels will most likely resist for this is now all about saving their power and […]

EU Openly Wants to Overthrow the Greek Government

The Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten is reporting that the head of the EU and Merkel are now openly calling for the overthrow of the Greek government. It is their way or no way. To defend a failed euro, they will not tolerate any democratic process that disagrees with their vision of a federalized Europe. This is World War […]

Can We Help Greece?

A slew of emails have been coming in asking if we would help Greece if they leave the euro. ABSOLUTELY YES! This week we have people in Athens meeting as I write, offering at this stage an informal proposal should the people vote to leave the euro. This would be the GREATEST of all events that would not merely […]

Will Puerto Rico Be the Next Greece?

On Monday, Puerto Rico is set to release a key report on its financial stability. Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla told The New York Times that the island would probably seek significant concessions from many of its creditors because “the debt is not payable.” Puerto Rico is the next Greece where the “vulture” investors bought their bonds back in […]

Greek Bank Run Begins

The BBC is reporting that the Greece debt crisis is now leading to a Greek bank run as people clamor to hoard cash in the face of the Eurozone refusing any bailout extension. This is the typical human response in the face of uncertainty. Greece can pull out of this if they comprehend what really […]

What We Cannot Say Publicly – Do We Hold Back?

QUESTION: Marty, everyone is starting to say there is a big crash coming now in October. I have attended your conference since the early 1990s. You always say the majority cannot be right. My question is this. Obviously, when I look closely they are not saying what you have been saying. There are differences. Even […]

Berlin – World Economic Conference – November 28-29, 2015

We are holding this year’s 2015 World Economic Conference in Berlin, Germany, and it may be the most important conference since 1987. While so many people are now starting to mimic our forecasts for Big Bang, all now touting the autumn of 2015, this is going to be far more complicated than what the typical analyst comprehends, […]

Monday’s EU Summit & Troika’s Misguided View of Greece

The summit held Monday of the new superheroes, known as the Euro-Rescuers, are lost in the canyons of their own minds for they do not comprehend how the economy functions in the least. They just cannot see the problem for they lack a mirror and will never question themselves as a problem. Consequently, the same line of thinking […]