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Energy Models & The Generational Cycle Shift

QUESTION: Marty; I was at the second 1987 WEC Conference in Princeton. I remember asking you about gold and you said it would decline for 19 years into 1999 and then start to invert in preparation for Big Bang. I have never known you to be wrong yet. You clearly said gold peaked and would […]

Analysis – NEVER Give Up

QUESTION: Hi Marty,   The unbelievable amounts of research you have done and the knowledge you impart on your blog is just amazing, and is what inspired me to start trying to analyse markets and make forecasts of my own. Your personal grasp of the big picture and the computer system you have subsequently designed […]

Putin Fears Civil Unrest in Russia?

Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to guard against possible uprisings.He said extremism will be used as a geopolitical means to destabilize States.Putin fears without express that foreign intelligence agencies could use the critical economic situation of the Russian people to overthrow the government. Our Cycle of War will be updated for the Solution Conference. Civil […]

The Movie and The Goal

The movie just played to sold-out venues in Croatia. I did some press interviews there and the tone of the questions is exactly different from the United States. It is sort of we know the US system is corrupt and protects the bankers, but do you feel comfortable being up front about it and are […]

Crisis in Socialism or Capitalism

There is a debate going on that tries to paint the economic crashes as due to capitalism and we should all follow Marx and eliminate wealth handing 100% of all power to government. There are really a lot of people who think communism was correct and the problem is capitalism thanks to greedy bankers. To […]

Australia Proposes to Fine Foreigners for Investing in their Country

Of all the brain-dead solutions to international capital flows I have ever heard, this one coming from Tony Abbott in Australia tops the cake. He refuses to review the negative-gearing that is a socialist’s dream in home buying, but he wants to impose fines and civil penalties on foreigners buying property in Australia. Good on […]

Julius Caesar & Debt Crisis – Negative Interest Rates?

The Debt Crisis of 49BC that set off a Civil War I have written about in detail. Much of what the public was led to believe centered around politics and Cicero casting Julius Caesar as a power-hungry dictator. Anything but that image was correct. Cicero was on the wrong side and I collected all the […]

Democracy v Republic & Big Bang

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, Thank you for the education in economics that I am receiving from you by reading your daily blog. I have  one question:  When you refer to the “big bang” that is going to occur on 2015.75, can I infer then a “bigger bang” will occur on 2024.35 and that the “biggest bang” will occur on 2032.95? […]

Any Document Older than 180 days You Have Abandoned for Legal Purposes

Just why does government want to read everything you have ever written? They are obsessed with collecting data on everyone exactly as if this was George Orwell’s 1984. The people in charge are just insane. They have nothing better to do but act like Joseph Stalin who could not sleep at night worrying what others […]

The Minsk Agreement on Ukraine – Putin’s Victory

In the Belarusian capital Minsk representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the rebels from the Donbass signed a 13-point agreement on a ceasefire and other measures to resolve the conflict in Ukraine under OSCE supervision. The essence of the plan is to take account of the self-determination of peoples, which is the reason for the conflict: […]