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Paris Erupts into Protests Against Macron & Lockdowns

Today in Paris, many thousands of “yellow vests” took to the streets to demonstrate against French President Emmanuel Macron and the French government over its draconian lockdowns and CORONA restrictions. This was a massive riot where police not only used tear gas and batons, they were firing both rubber bullets and live ammunition. These lockdowns […]

Have Gates & Crew Crossed the Line

COMMENT: Here in Palm Beach County Florida, I am beginning to see the sheeple waking up. Friends and neighbors who were in denial or ignorant are expressing their realizations about what they thought was evil is good and visa versa. An old friend and neighbor in total denial even said, “I am waking up!” Now […]

Germany Admits There Never Has Been an Epidemiological Emergency!

  Our computer has a full database of diseases and works out the cyclical nature. The annual flu shot is developed on a cyclical basis assuming the strain will mutate annually. There was NEVER any indication in our models that called for a major pandemic at this time. I have stated that such a risk […]

COVID Tax Increases – Forcing People to Pay For the Political Plandemic

These Democratic state governors have been so draconian in suppressing their economies for political purposes. Then they have the audacity to turn around and raise taxes to cover the losses in revenue. New Jersey raised gasoline taxes. California is trying to install the first wealth tax, thanks to the French economist Piketty. But California is […]

Belarusian President Claims IMF & World Bank Offered him a Bribe to Impose COVID Restrictions

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus: • imposed “extreme lockdown on his […]

FAKE News Has Been Around for Thousands of Years

Many people claim that fake news is just something that Trump made up. They fail to realize that fake news has been a major political tool for thousands of years. The New York Times celebrated Joeseph Stalin as the future and cure for the Great Depression. Their top journalist Duranty even convinced Roosevelt to recognize […]

Predicting Civil Unrest

The reason the government is monitoring all emails, social media posts, and twitter feeds, is very simple. This is seen as a database from which the prediction of social unrest becomes possible. There is a study titled “Social Network Structure as a Predictor of Social Behavior: The Case of Protest in the 2016 US Presidential […]

Alberta – Should it Join the USA or Be Independent?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I live (and have lived) in Alberta for a long time. The WEXIT (Alberta separatism movement) is alive and well here and so this is something to be considered for your blog. So, Alberta part of the US and way from Justin Trudeau?? Personally I would fight this as it is a bad […]

Storming the Reichstag – Another False Flag by the Government?

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I followed the Berlin protest and was so happy that people are finally waking up, however, today, the whole mainstream media narrative in Germany is…. “Anger after (whatever group) tried to storm the Reichstag building!” And that is all they bring on every news channel. I never watch mainstream media, but […]

Poltics & the Decline & Fall of America

The Democratic National Convention was moved out of the Fiserv Forum to a smaller venue across downtown Milwaukee and the attendance was around 300 people. There have been allegations that Biden’s speech was prerecorded and masterfully edited. The Democrats insist it was live. There were some journalists who claim to have been present. ABC’s Johnny […]