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More than Just Buy or Sell – The World Beyond

Visiting the Jail Cell Where Socrates Died COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Just spent the night in the ER with one of my kids. Waited hours for the results of the CT head scan. Thankfully, my daughter is fine. Had lots of time to think though. I have been following your blog for years, although I am […]

More Trouble for the EU – Austrian Election Declared a Fraud

Austria’s Constitutional court has ordered that the May’s presidential election be completely annulled. A new election must be held because of “particularly serious cases” of voting fraud that was detected in the vote. If the election is not rigged, then we may have another country seek to exit the EU or give them a good […]

Forecast from the Berlin WEC: Europe the Focal Point

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the Berlin Conference. I must say, I am impressed. You said Europe was the problem and this is still unfolding with every passing day. I understand this was not you personally. This is the computer. It can really project the future long term. That is what you were forecasting. I […]

The Reversal Phenomenon

QUESTION: Marty; I have been reading your blog on gold and get all your reports. One things that I have notices was this 1206 number. Back in 2013, it was important back then. Here it showed up again in 2015. This seems to be an amazing number. Can you explain why. ANSWER: This is yet […]

Dow – Down & Dirty?

The Dow has been bouncing off the Reversals as well. Despite being above 17800, it would fail to close above that. The question becomes WHEN will the Dow breakout to test new highs with the next target zone in the 21,000 to 23,000 area? With the closing on Friday below the first Minor Weekly Bearish […]

The Father of the European Union – The Real Mover & Shaker Behind the Curtain

Most people have never heard of the real man behind the curtain who inspired the whole idea of the European Union, probably because his books are only in German. They certainly do not realize that his idea was to stop the inbreeding within Europe by mixing people and races to create the United States of […]

Is it Time to Kill the British Pound?

If everyone in Britain were to vote on whether to kill the pound and adopt the euro, I seriously doubt there would be more than a 10% vote for such a decision to end the pound. Many say if they had to end the pound, they would prefer the dollar to the euro. Yet, this […]

China Corporate Defaults: Good, Bad, or just Ugly?

A fertilizer producer in north China defaulted on bond payments, which is a positive aspect as the state governments are not so eager to bail out failed companies. This will be a positive step forward in transforming China into a major capital market. For now, it is still not ready for prime time. Of course, […]

S&P 500 is Really Cheap

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Another element that strongly supports your view is that US equities will fly at some point in the future. If you take the trailing 10y avg real earnings yield from S&P500 (you can easily get them from Shiller’s site) and you normalise it by the 10 year US yield you get the attached […]

Upside-Down Statistics — What is Down, May Be Up

The Nonfarm Payrolls came in substantially lower than expected. The dollar dropped with gold rising, but the Dow did not crash on the open in the same percentage move. So what is really going on here? The economy is in a transition phase that is the same as what took place during the 1920s. Back […]