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Market Talk – August 30, 2021

ASIA: China is maintaining “normal communication” with the United States on trade, the Chinese government said on Thursday. Washington and Beijing signed a so-called Phase 1 trade deal in January 2020, before the widespread outbreak of COVID-19. The pact calls for China to increase its purchases of U.S. exports by $200 billion over two years. […]

The Real Agenda – Reply

  COMMENT: Hello Dear Mr Armstrong, In your recent article “what-is-the-real-agenda-with-vaccines-climate-change” You talk about power to be given to the UN for reasons that are cooked up with bad science. I agree, but I also see that this will never fully happen : China and Russia will not transfer power to the UN no matter what. […]

WEF & Davos is More than Just Forums

Many people have asked if I attend DAVOS meetings. The answer is NO! I considered taking a booth there to display Socrates, but decided against it because the overall theme of Davos was the very opposite of my personal views and the forecast of Socrates which says they will crash and burn. The World Economic […]

Market Talk – August 3, 2021

  ASIA: Singapore recorded its strongest economic growth in 11 years in the second quarter of 2021, rebounding from its worst economic slump on record a year ago due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Southeast Asian economy surged 14.3% in the second quarter compared with the same period a year ago, according to advance estimates […]

Market Talk – July 29, 2021

ASIA: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday cut India’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth to 9.5% for 2021-22, from its earlier estimate of 12.5%, citing the impact of the second wave on the economy and recovery process.  In its latest update to the World Economic Outlook, the IMF said growth prospects in India have […]

Market Talk – July 28, 2021

ASIA: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday cut its economic growth forecast for China this year because of the patchy recovery from new coronavirus variants, as Beijing focuses on reducing debt and public investment. The Washington-based organization trimmed China’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth estimate to 8.1 per cent, down from April’s projection of […]

Market Talk – July 26, 2021

ASIA: The disparities in provincial growth across China widened further during the past six months, with the economies in coastal regions surging ahead on the back of increased exports while northern and inland provinces continued lagging behind due to their dependency on slowing government investments, according to data analyzed of new half-year provincial economic data. […]

Market Talk – July 21, 2021

ASIA: China has scrapped its population control policy. Families in China can have as many children as they like without facing fines or other consequences. The announcement ended, in practice, decades of restrictions on the number of children each household could have, as authorities attempt to encourage births in the face of a rapidly aging […]

Market Talk – June 25, 2021

ASIA: Russia and China have presented a plan to build the joint International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). The proposed lunar base is intended to be ready for crewed visits by 2036 and is unrelated to the American-led Artemis program, which has pledged to land “the first woman and person of color” on the moon by […]

Questions: Ides of June 2021

QUESTION: Hello, re: Fauci Under Global Attack I have to disagree with your comment that China did not benefit. I think they had to have been somewhat aware of what was going on, or at least caught on early and let it happen. This was a big benefit to them, specifically with respect to Hong […]