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The Dow & the Economic Confidence Model

COMMENT: Marty, I have to laugh. Only those who have followed you more 20 years understand you have discovered the hidden order behind the facade. Fantastic call on this turn in the ECM. Once again to the very day in the Dow. And people do not think your model is real? They must be idiots […]

WHO Names this Coronavirus a World Emergency

The Coronavirus has been declared by the World Health Organization (WH) to be an emergency. As I reported yesterday, the death rate may not be as high as SARS which was 10%, but its spread rate is far greater. The number of cases jumped in a day from 7700 to 9682. The WHO defines a […]

Coronavirus & the ECM

Many have asked that since this Coronavirus appears to have caught everyone’s attention with the turn in the ECM on January 18th, 2020, the questions have poured in asking if this was a major event given our model had been projecting a rise in disease would begin in 2020 coinciding with the new Solar Cycle […]

Are Climate Activists Displaying Patterns of Violence That Always Undermines Civilization?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I find it interesting how the entire climate crisis people are pushing so hard to seize everything and force zero CO2 which is impossible when a volcano or forest fire releases far more CO2 than driving cars around. Then they ignore the sun entirely when even NASA said we are headed into […]

Publishing Obstacles

COMMENT: I am shocked each time I read a first, signed edition of “Manipulating the World Economy” is up for sale. These were unexpected, incredibly generous gifts to those who attended the Orlando conference. Maybe I am just old school, but IMO selling it is tacky. Perhaps the seller did not follow your excellent advice […]

Coronavirus & China’s Bio-Weapons Lab Conspiracy

There is a conspiracy theory that is running around very fast which portrays this Coronavirus which began in Wuhan may be linked to two laboratories of the Chinese bio-warfare program. This story is making the news but it appears to be just a coincidence at this time. The laboratory is the only declared site in China […]

When You Thought You Hit A Dog

QUESTION: You are wrong as usual. We just had the hottest decade. This is all about fossil fuels. There was never a CO2 problem until fossil fuels. KJ ANSWER: This entire climate change is nonsense! The first clean air act was passed by the Emperor Justinian in 535AD. Humans have burned wood long before coal. […]

Newfoundland Biggest Snowstorm Even on Record 01/18/2020 on ECM

30-second timelapse of 24 hours of snowfall in Newfoundland, Canada. COMMENT: St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada had experienced the most snowfall in a twenty-four hour period on record on January 18, 2000, ECM day. FM REPLY: Stay warm up there. Greta thing you should turn off the heat. No worries! I wouldn’t suggest that right. It […]

Market Talk – January 21, 2020

ASIA: Many business leaders at the World Economic Forum raised concerns over whether the latest round of trade negotiations between China and US will result in a “phase two” deal before the end of President Donald’s first term. The biggest roadblocks that leaders identified for the phase two deal are US tariffs on Chinese goods […]

Climate Change & the 2020 ECM Turning Point

The climate change propaganda has become a major economic factor which is undermining the global economy and lowering the standard of living for the average person. Governments have embraced it simply because it is the perfect excuse to raise taxes. It is causing separatist movements such as in Alberta, Canada to the civil unrest in […]