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Obama’s Attempt at Dictatorship Blocked

Obama’s treasonous attempt to strip Congress of all power and to vest all power in the Executive has been blocked today. This was a major accomplishment for retaining some semblance of  a democratic/republican process. Obama’s attempt to have all power vested in the Executive would have allowed him to do whatever he wanted, selling favors […]

Cashless Society – Tracking Gold – the Hunt for Loose Change

QUESTION: Hi Marty, if they eliminate cash – how would that affect 3rd world countries? Wouldn’t that add a huge dose of salt on that part of the wounded world? Also would we be back to Silver as the payment that the Tax man does not get? Ala Hunt brothers who bought it when Gold […]

Obama Commits Treason

The Guardian’s Spencer Ackerman reported on Twitter that on June 2 at 6:03 pm Obama said he would sign a law banning bulk collection. June 2, 9:50 pm: DOJ asks secret court for 180 more days of bulk collection. When the Founders drafted the Constitution, they feared that Congress would dominate the government – not the executive. The […]

Collapse in the Rule of Law: The Average American Does Not Trust Courts

The National Post has reported the sad state of the American legal system – there is nothing left. As they said, “The right to a fair trial just does not exist.” We have reached that point in the evolution of government where the rule of law fades into the night. It is all about corruption; […]

Gold – China – Here We Go Again

QUESTION:    Hi Martin, I was “of one mind” when it came to gold and silver and the shisters that clam “manipulation to the downside,” “gold is going to 5K,” and “gold has bottomed” and on an on. Your site is the only source of information that I trust anymore and thanks to you I […]

Interest Rates & the Collapse of Public Confidence

QUESTION: If we truly are a moving to a cashless society as is evident, and that is massively deflationary, which I agree with, wouldn’t that drive govt. yields LOWER?  How do you reconcile a sovereign debt crisis and rising yields with a massive slowdown in inflation and growth that these misguided policies are driving us towards? […]

You Can Do Anything If You Do Not Think of the Consequences

I had a very interesting discussion with a top investigative journalist in Germany who was different from most. The journalist inquired, “How could you advise on trillions of dollars in a crisis when others are in a state of panic?” It made me think and reflect on what I was doing differently. Yes, there were […]

Shotgun Wedding v Bailouts

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Did banks receive government bailouts prior to Glass-Stegal being repealed? If so, if they are forced to return to relationship banking, why can’t the big boys simply drop lending standards and keep bad loans on the books (with a nod and wink from congress), knowing they can strong arm politicians into another […]

Tangible Assets Still Rising

Pablo Picasso’s iconic abstract 1955 painting “Les femmes d’Alger” sold for a record $179,365,000 at an auction Monday in New York, at Christie’s. All our sources behind the curtain are reporting the markets are awash with cash, so much so that on the short-term paper rates are going negative without the 2009 crisis. Yet, that is […]

Goldman Sachs & Hillary Clinton – A Marriage Made in Washington

Hillary Clinton is already bought and paid for, She netted $400,000 for giving two speeches for a few minutes at Goldman Sachs. This is by no means a speaking fee. This is what I believe is outright bribery. A speaking fee will be $35,000 to $50,000 tops. She has nothing to offer Wall Street for […]