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Joe Biden – Give Me Money To Defeat Trump & Conspiracy with Deep State?

A very curious thing seems to be going on. A person donated money to Trump, all of a sudden, emails begin to arrive from Joe Biden asking for donations to the Democrats. What is really curious is that there were no emails before donating to Trump. Have the Democrats hacked the Republican donors? If anything, […]

The German Pension Crisis to Become a Political Issue as in Italy

The Pension Crisis is starting to be noticed in Europe. The German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz is arguing that the federal government has to guarantee the pension level until 2040. He is arguing that the government MUST come up with a plausible financing model which seems actually impossible. The increase in taxes to cover pension that […]

Irish Pension Invested in Italian Bonds?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I hope you’re keeping well? More news from the “EU beacon of light” for you. I’ve enclosed an article regarding Irish pension money in Italian bonds. This is very very scary if true and we really are heading for a disaster from which a little country like ours won’t recover if we […]

Deutsche Bank Formally Classified as a Problem Bank

  Deutsche Bank has now been classified as a problem bank by FDIC and has been included in a list of banks to be watched. This is the biggest bank in Europe. It cannot be merged within Germany with Commerce Bank for there is just not enough equity to overcome the derivative losses. The only other […]

Have Cryptocurrencies Become a Religion?

  QUESTION: I had a discussion with a former goldbug who is now a crypto-bug. He can’t see that governments will not stand idle waiting to be simply put out of business with cryptocurrencies. No matter what you say, I think it has become a religion. There is not one major company who has adopted blockchain […]

The Unsound Theory of Inflation

QUESTION: You defend central banks yet the Rothschilds when clearly Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild said: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.”  Any comment? SL ANSWER: No problem. He never said any such thing it was completely made up. It was attributed to him in 1838 when he […]

Venezuela Oil Industry Collapsing & May Take the Gov’t With It

Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserve in the world. However, they are out of gasoline. The government has attributed this to poor management which has led to the stoppage of 80% of the country’s refineries. So much for socialism. The assumption that government is competent of managing anything is proven by this very example. My old friend, […]

The Trump Tax Cut, the Pass-Through, & Multinationals

The Trump Tax Reform is a very major deal. There are seven brackets in today’s individual tax code. The Senate version of the Trump Reform is not a windfall for the rich lowering their bracket from 39.6% to just 38.5%. The seven tax brackets currently are: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%.  Changes […]

US Prosecutors Violating International Law – As Always!

The USA is once again abusing international law. It is a rare event when I find that I actually have to agree with the head of Turkey about anything, but Recep Tayyip Erdogan is absolutely correct. The prosecution of the Turkish Gold Trader Reza Zarrab violates every principle of the rule of law. Mr. Zarrab’s lawyers had asked […]

The Political Turf War in Europe and why Britain is Considering Joining NAFTA

QUESTION: Marty; There is talk that Britain will join NAFTA rather than the EU. Does that make sense? What do you think? ANSWER: The EU is in a death spiral. Every law they pass is to preserve their own power – not for the good of the people or Europe. Once again, the government solution always […]