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Market Talk – May 28, 2021

ASIA: Despite a reasonable economic recovery, the giant Chinese economy will be bedeviled by serious problems, says a top corporate survey specializing in China. This 2021 China Corporate Payment Survey, made available to IANS, was conducted between February and April this year by COFACE, which surveyed over 600 companies across 13 broad sectors located in […]

Market Talk – May 25, 2021

ASIA: Cryptocurrency miners, including HashCow and BTC.TOP, have halted all or part of their China operations after Beijing intensified a crackdown on bitcoin mining and trading, hammering digital currencies amid heightened global regulatory scrutiny. Cryptocurrency exchange Huobi on Monday suspended both crypto-mining and some trading services to new clients from mainland China, adding it will […]

Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine Clash in NYC

New York City may be the melting pot, but that also has its downside. Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters have clashed near Times Square. The tensions in New York City over the conflict between Israel and Hamas illustrate that this is not a conflict that will simply pass. The deep resentment extends through the generations and […]

Political Chaos of 2022

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong Thank you very much for the information you provide about what is going on according to the worlds economy and the scary development we are witnessing in the world. A while ago I think i saw that you wrote something like that the globalists will not succeed to put through the […]

Gates – Buying the Press to Hide his True Nature

It has long been known behind the facade of the upstanding media that Bill Gates was not exactly the quiet nerd. The information surrounding his arrest has been scrubbed, so all that remains is the fact that he was arrested for a traffic violation with no other details. It is not likely he was arrested […]

Market Talk – April 29, 2021

ASIA: President Joe Biden proposed a sweeping new $1.8 trillion plan in a speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, pleading with Republican lawmakers to work with him on divisive issues and to meet the stiff competition posed by China. He said, “China and other countries are closing in fast,” adding that he […]

Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?

Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to […]

Market Talk – April 28, 2021

  ASIA: Japanese retail sales rose at the fastest pace in five months in March as consumer demand recovered from the huge hit it took from the coronavirus pandemic last year. The world’s third-largest economy has emerged from last year’s slump on an export recovery, though a glacial vaccine rollout and a resurgence in infections […]

Population Crisis

QUESTION: Marty, do you think this Deagel forecast for a drop in population that is not explained is just taking your forecast for the conclusion of the Sixth Wave? GB ANSWER: I am not sure what they are referring to or how they arrived at that conclusion. Yes, I have said there remains the risk of […]

Market Talk – March 30, 2021

ASIA: Chinese government bonds will be added to the FTSE World Government Bond Index (WGBI) over three years from the end of October, FTSE Russell said in a statement. Chinese government bonds were previously included in index suites from JPMorgan and Bloomberg Barclays, but FTSE WGBI inclusion is expected to have a larger effect due […]