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The Dow & Week of 05/20

The Dow this week reached 15408.00 with our projected technical resistance standing at 15438.92 followed by 15693.27. Next wee we see 15477.63 and 15731.98 as technical resistance. The Weekly Bearish are in the 14300 zone and a crack of that area would signal a drop to the 13500-13600 area. The Weekly turning points are shaping […]

Why Markets Decline

Well that post has brought tons of emails from those in the engineering world. Glad the light has gone off. We need to turn it on in government. One comment wrote: When you discuss containing velocity of the markets and changing the velocity do you refer to increasing the speed of the implosion and or […]

Global Recap

Three regional Federal Reserve officials have called on the central bank to stop buying mortgage-backed bonds, citing the recent improvement in the U.S. housing market. Indeed, the US economy has improved and the rise in the stock market has the talking head talking to themselves in disbelief. The 800 pound monkey remains the German elections […]

Gold & the Possible 5-year Bear Market

QUESTION: You mentioned back in 2011 that either gold fell in a normal correction of 2 to 3 years and if the market fought against that trend it could extend into 2016 with a 5-year bear market. Is that still possible since you were correct about the drop after a 13-year high? ANSWER: Yes. That […]

Gold – Answering Your Questions

QUESTION: “Let me start by thanking you for all your work which gives me a better insight in how all things are interconnected. I have a question about Gold, as an attendee of the Princeton Conference I received the Gold report. Gold recently broke trough 3 monthly bearish reversals and is now making her way […]

The 1987 Crash

The 1987 Crash The 1987 Crash also became known as Black Monday referring to Monday October 19th, 1987. It was a fateful day when the US stock market crashed, creating a wave of confusion as capital and government failed to grasp the real underpinnings of currency. The 1987 Crash came precisely to the day on […]

Real Estate beats Gold as #1 Investment & Euro Yen Recap

Land Auction Great Depression The Gallup Poll is out surveying the investment sentiment of American investors. Gold has held that top slot up until now. Gold has now fallen for the first time to the second position as investors return to the old historical investment sector – real estate. Even in Europe people are starting […]

Back to the Future

Of course Back to the Future was the name of a very popular series of movies. But in reality, Einstein believed that the Future, Past, and Present were all simultaneous. That is a hard concept to get you brain around, but the FUTURE is indeed merely a repeat of the past – no different than […]

The Market & Cycles – Why We Must Crash & Burn

One Response regarding this problem that we must crash and burn states that this “is somewhat of a paradox though, see some people, not so conflicted by their personal conscience (against obedience to authority / control ), but influenced by their uncertainty and/or lack of confidence. obviously, not all people are the same. Guess for […]

Gold Rise in Coin Demand – Crisis Still in Trading

The rise in gold coin demand at the Australian Perth Mint and the US Mint as well as in Canada demonstrates the underlying long-term bull market should remain intact. It is coin rather than bullion you should stick to when you are talking about physical purchases. Nevertheless, from a market perspective, the gold bounce is […]