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Protests Against Lockdown in Berlin

Nearly 20,000 protested in Berlin over the weekend against the lockdown and arguing that masks make them slaves. Many have ignored wearing masks and physical distancing as they accused the government of “stealing our freedom“. The press is clearly part of this conspiracy against the people for they are reporting the rise in cases that […]

Facebook Calls for the Break-Up of US Government

The high Tech leaders are to testify before Congressional House antitrust investigation into the market power of major tech companies. This will in Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest person, Apple, Google, and Facebook. The House Judiciary Committee has been pushing for them to return to testify in front of its investigation into antitrust. Facebook CEO […]

Market Talk – July 28, 2020

ASIA: China has said Hong Kong will suspend extradition treaties with Britain, Canada, and Australia after they took similar steps over the territory’s controversial new security law. The Foreign Ministry spokesman accused the countries of “gross interference in China’s internal affairs.” Earlier this month, US lawmakers approved sanctions in response to the law, targeting banks […]

Is the Dollar Overvalued or Undervalued?

The latest claim running around is that the dollar is overvalued relevant to its trading partners, and it will decline as the economy recovers due to imports. You really have to wonder if these analysts are just working from home and have lost all sense of the world because they are locked down. In that […]

Italexit – New Party in Italy to Exit the EU

We are witnessing the rise of the new party in Italy headed by Gianluigi Paragone calling for the exit of there EU. New Italian party calls for the exit from EU bolding saying: “Germany takes everything and leaves the crumbs to the rest of the states.” As the economic hardship rises thanks to the virus […]

Market Talk – July 24, 2020

ASIA: Beijing has ordered the closure of a US consulate in south-western China, in a move that will escalate tensions between the two countries to a new level. On Friday, China’s ministry of foreign affairs said it had ordered the US consulate in Chengdu, in Sichuan province, to cease all operations. Authorities notified the US […]

Silver v Gold – A Sign of the Times

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I listened to one of your recent interviews and you said that silver may be better than gold going forward and that a gold standard was pointless because you cannot fix the price of gold while everything else floats. That was the best explanation I have ever heard. So my question is […]

The Fate of Yugoslavia is the Same Fate of the Roman Empire

A lot of emails have come in about the video about the Yugoslavian Civil War video. The core of the video is indeed how civilization collapses. I have stated many times that civilization blossoms when EVERYONE benefits. When one group is given favored status, the process of the decline and fall has begun. There is […]

Toronto Bans Holy Communion in Churches – Is History Repeating?

There we go again… Toronto banned (Catholic and Orthodox) churches from giving Holy Communion. Not long ago, all churches were forced to close for more than two months and public Masses were banned. Now they’re opened, but Communion is banned. This virus is allowing the destruction of religion which was indeed part of the Marxist […]

The Legacy of Socrates for Humanity

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Thank you for spending your precious time to compose such a detailed blog post. The gems within your answer truly clarify this seemingly impossible situation for me. We *are* all connected and cycles are clearly human nature playing out. Greed, as you noted, is part of that equation. Socrates is the most […]