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Could Raising Taxes Save Government?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, [Analyst} recently …. raise[d] the alarm that the US is headed towards a very bad debt crisis. During an interesting part of the segment, he was asked if the rich should pay higher taxes, and he said “of course”, but he clarifies that what really matters is whether the tax dollars are […]

China & Buying Gold – Why?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe you said at the WEC in 2017 that central banks will diversify and increase their gold reserves going into the currency crisis coming in 2021. China has continued to increase its gold reserves. You would please update on that development. Thank you PK ANSWER: Central banks are in a very […]

Market Talk – April 16, 2019

Asia: China has added a new fiscal stimulus package in order to prevent a sharp slowdown. Local governments will be allowed to issue up to 320 billion USD in special purpose bonds to fund infrastructure projects, which is an increase of over 59% from last year. Sony released “S.Ride,” an app which could become Uber’s […]

Turkey & the Real Risk of a Debt Crisis

The Treasury and Finance Ministry of Turkey announced that the country’s net external debt stock totaled $286.2 billion going into the end of the 3rd quarter of 2018. The country’s net external debt stock to its gross domestic product (GDP) ratio was 34.4% at the end of the third quarter of 2018. However, Turkey’s gross external […]

Market Talk – April 12, 2019

Asia: Recent figures show that Chinese trade with the U.S. has slumped. The figures suggest that the trade between the two countries is down 11% since the beginning of the year. China’s own internal figures are good with the country exporting 14% more in March and imports falling 7%, further increasing their trade balance. The […]

Market Talk – April 11, 2019

Asia: The World Bank president stated today that there is too much debt in the world, and finger pointing has turned toward China for lending trillions of dollars to other countries. This of course does not factor in that much of its holding debt is issued from mature countries, such as the U.S. In the […]

Hard Landing

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a question that might interest not just me but also other blog Readers: In your blog Posts you write that you expect that we will have a hard landing going into 2020. My question is: What does that mean for the Dow? Do you expect the dow to correct into […]

Market Talk – April 8, 2019

Asia: Despite the global sanctions imposed on North Korea, China continues to work towards its own benefit. It was revealed that China has opened yet another border crossing for North Korea via a bridge over the Yalu River. Both countries are in negotiations with the United States in the meantime. China and Russia have been […]

Market Talk – April 5, 2019

Asia: Chinese Vice President Liu backed by his delegation stated that a new consensus has been reached after yesterday’s meeting with President Trump. The two countries are still working toward a deal, but it appears as if progress has been made. Japanese bank Nomura stated that they will reduce the point of sales by at […]

Is Gold Still Liquid in Bullion Form?

QUESTION: Hi Martin– Thank you for your daily blog. I read it first thing each morning. Regarding the bank liquidity problems with the Eurozone banks: would it make sense to put assets in precious metals as a hedge against problems in the banking sector (i.e., getting capital out of the banks and into a safe […]