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Chaos Theory – You Can Map Any Market to Reveal the Hidden Order

One of the interesting questions at IDFA was have I solved Chaos Theory? I am not sure that needs to be solved. The problem we have is confined to our mind and trying to translate concepts into words to facilitate expressing what we think is linear thought but is not. This is the Lorenz strange […]

The EU Commissioner

The EU President Jean-Claude Juncker has announced a €315 bn investment scheme is yet another attempt to try to kick-start the economy claiming this will create 1.3 million jobs. These schemes are hopeless because they keep hunting capital and raising taxes. Without confidence in the future, people will not invest or expand their business to offset […]

West v Russia – Who is to Blame? It Maybe Just Basic Psychology

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, I do respect your analysis, experience and what you do yet there is something that doesn’t fit with the independency you claim. You blame Obama and western leaders for acting like kids while you are rather silent about Putin merely just stating that he is forced to act the way he […]

The Dow – Starting a Cycle Inversion?

  The golden rule of trading is just this – What goes sideways when it should move up or down, moves in the opposite direction even stronger. Where we achieved the temp low in gold on the target week of 11/03, the Dow has moved sideways and is crawling along resistance. Given the G20 position […]

G20 to Change Status of Bank Accounts = Investments

Governments are in DEEP trouble as socialism continues to implode (their OBLIGATION to take care of the people). At the last G20 they agreed to share info to assist all members collect more taxes. This year, according our sources, they are now going to address the behind-the-curtain banking failure. Tomorrow, there will be at least […]

Why Innocent People Plead Guilty

    Why Innocent People Plead Guilty Jed S. Rakoff NOVEMBER 20, 2014 ISSUE   Honoré Daumier: A Criminal Case The criminal justice system in the United States today bears little relationship to what the Founding Fathers contemplated, what the movies and television portray, or what the average American believes. To the Founding Fathers, the critical […]

Comment from Switzerland on Gold Referendum

COMMENT:  Dear Mr. Armstrong Greetings from Switzerland and many thanks for your free education. Must admit that I became addicted to your blog. I must congratulate you on your short observations on Switzerland. You simply nailed it. The politicians are destroying the country in front of our eyes. As far as for the referendum at […]

The Fall of Rome was Preceded by the Collapse in the Rule of Law – Pattern Recognition

I have gotten a lot of emails about my comment on how intelligence is really created by the ability to comprehend pattern recognition. If you want to understand something, you have to reduce it to its seed. How do we even have the idea of future without grasping the existence of a present and past? […]

German Politics – Agree or Get Out

  The greatest threat we face is the political elite.They are typically failed lawyers and that training makes them believe they possess some magical power to write law and therein it shall be. The reason why we must crash and burn is linked directly to this very bad quality found at the core of the […]

Replacing the Dollar

  The conspiracy crowd keep swearing the dollar has to collapse and remain clueless that the world is in serious trouble. The impact of debt is far worse outside the USA than inside yet their myopic vision blinds them to the truth. Taxes are so high in Europe and this renders it is impossible to […]