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Economic Migration v Welfare Migration

COMMENT: Sir, After reading your blog post about the 300% increase in the cost of healthcare for refugees, I wondered the cost in this country for illegal aliens. Healthcare. Education. Food stamps. Etc. I googled anywhere from 3.4 to 11 billion dollars from health care alone. I laughed out loud after reading the above. You […]

The Cost of Labor is What Drives the Move to Robots

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, Two questions: 1. When the Canadians said they never look at “those things,” what “things” are they talking about? 2. I always like lowering taxes, if the remaining revenue will be spent wisely. (In our dreams). But as a lawyer in the Austin area, I can assure you that manufacturing by some […]

Supply v Demand-Side Economic & What is Never Discussed

COMMENT: Usury, first the Fed starves we savers for return for 18 years with their zero percent interest rates and gave us two giant stock market crashes in that intervening period. The lack of return caused us to cannibalize our savings and trillions of savings lost thru the stock market crashes and ditto home equity. Then […]

The Misconception of Central Banks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was at the Treasury Management Association of Canada (TMAC) conference in Vancouver when you appeared as a speaker as well as Peter Detallis of the Bank of Canada if I remember his name correctly. I was there at the cocktail party when the Finance Minister of Nova Scotia said you diminished the […]

How Can There be Thousands of Cryptocurrencies?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are these people so desperate to argue that cryptocurrency will change the world, I have heard the same pitch behind gold and I suspect most are just goldbugs who gave up and moved to cryptocurrencies. The same arguments of fiat and central banks are at the base of this as well. […]

German Court Rules Govt Can Intercept Communications Without Just Cause

Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig ruled last week that the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) may continue to access data at the world’s largest Internet node in Frankfurt am Main without just cause. In the ruling, the court dismissed an action brought against this practice by the operating company and the government demanded they turn over […]

German Healthcare Deficit 300% Greater than Expected Due to Refugees

Healthcare costs have been exploding even in Germany. The revisions in healthcare of about two years ago did expand the coverage, but the expanded costs were completely unexpected. That means Germany is also looking to now raise taxes to cover the higher costs due to their legislative reforms. The reforms have brought in more people in need of care and relatives than expected. Currently, the […]

How a Prosecutor’s Case Collapsed in New York City and Exposed Government Corruption in the Process

One of the more fascinating examples of how the government prosecutors are looking for high profile cases to further personal careers rather than actually policing society to protect the people has been exposed by the sale of the Leonardo DaVinci painting of Jesus Christ. I previously reported that  DaVinci’s 500-year-old painting, known as Salvator Mundi (Saviour […]

Making Sense of The Federal Reserve

  I was giving a lecture in Toronto to our institutional clients years ago and the central bank of Canada came with ten people. It was an interesting session because the audience began to ask me questions about what the central banks were looking at to make their decisions. I would answer and then the […]

Capital Flows Not Central Banks Are Holding Up US Economy

      QUESTION: Dear Martin, Re: Non-Farm Payrolls Blowout All Analysts Show USA is Still Holding Up the World I am been following you for a number of years and believe you to be one of the best-informed analysts in the world. However, your latest email concerning the gobbledygook reported by the BLS for May’s […]