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EU Declares USA is new Enemy

The European Union’s chief BREXIT negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt, told Reuters that Donald Trump is part of a three-pronged attempt to undermine the European Union. His comments reflect just how deranged the EU politicians really are for they will accept no blame whatsoever for any of their own policies that are dictatorial in nature and have sought from […]

Yes, More Electors Abandoned Hillary in the Electoral College

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really do not understand this electoral college in the United States. Why does the popular vote not count? Then I heard that more electors abandoned Hillary rather than Trump. Thank You from European Disneyland JH ANSWER: It is very simple. The EU has member states and each is really its own […]

Australia Looking Into Cancelling the $100 Bill

The Australian federal government is planning a full assault on the black or underground economy by appointing a taskforce who will consider the future of the $100 note and bans on cash payments over a certain level. Australia, like everyone else, is facing a monetary crisis whereby the current system of taxes and social programs […]

Fed Raises Rates Quarter Point

The Fed raised the interest rate a quarter-point increase in the discount, or primary credit, rate, from 1 percent to 1.25 percent, and moved its target range from a range of 0.25 percent to 0.5 percent to 0.5 percent to 0.75 percent. The overnight funds rate currently sits at 0.41 percent. The Fed was citing the […]

Germany Raids Healthcare Funds to Support Refugee Crisis

COMMENT: Dear Martin, you always claim that the costs for social security will become unpayable from 2017 onwards. In Germany we have health care system organized by the federal government / the federal state. The government now created a “turbo” to bankrupt this system: The government passed a law that allows them to take 1.5 billion […]

Why Comey Would Not Present the Case against Hillary to a Grand Jury

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why did Comey not present this matter to the grand jury? Isn’t it the role of the grand jury to decide to indict or not? ANSWER:The rules for a grand jury have been altered to the point that they have been reduced to a rubber stamp. Nevertheless, FBI Director James Comey had to […]

Inspector General Hangs Hillary Out to Dry

There is a very curious dynamic going on here. It is well known that there is animosity between the Clintons and Obama. Obama would easily order everyone to stand down with investigations and reports with respect to Hillary, but he has not. Now the Inspector General has delivered a scathing report on Hillary (see report; oig-report). The long-awaited […]

Will Britain Stay or Go?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what do you think the British will do? Stay or go? Will you be here for the vote? ANSWER: I will be there. It looks more like urgent meetings forming after the vote; not before. I would say that the odds of a BREXIT vote to leave are not looking good. It […]

Prosecutors Have More Power Than Judges

The Executive Branch was handed dictatorial powers last month in a Washington DC Court of Appeals decision, United States v. Fokker Services B.V., where a Dutch aerospace firm was accused of making more than 1,000 illegal shipments of parts and components to Iran and other sanctioned countries from 2005 to 2010. It held that Federal judges have no authority to […]


SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Syllabus LUIS v. UNITED STATES CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT No. 14–419. Argued November 10, 2015—Decided March 30, 2016 A federal statute provides that a court may freeze before trial certain assets belonging to a defendant accused of violations of federal health […]