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Collapse of the Rule of Law

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I read all the words after the film. I found it interesting that the filmmaker went to the government and asked them to explain their position and nobody would appear. Instead, they just threatened NetFlix and everyone else to ban the film in the United States. It was on TV here in […]

McCabe Resigns Ahead of Internal Investigation Report on FBI

Andrew McCabe, who has become the face of the Deep State, has finally resigned ahead of waiting for his pension on March 18th. Don’t worry, he is using his leave time to stall the clock so he gets his pension which he should forfeit. He was pressured to quit by FBI Director Christopher Wray in […]

The Revenge of Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What is the catch? Why do you do everything you do with no charge. What is the hook? Nobody does something for nothing. ANSWER: I get that question often. First I am paying back all the support everyone has shown to me and my family. Secondly; It is my greatest revenge against […]

Mnuchen Calls for Weaker Dollar – Trump Stronger?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have repeatedly said that the USA wants a lower dollar while Europe thinks a strong currency is better. You said the dollar would decline first into 2018. That seems to be spot on. After Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin statement that a weaker dollar is best for USA, the dollar sold off. Why […]

Quantity Theory of Money (QTM) & Its Failure

QUESTION: I am most interested in your revisionist view of QTM. You debunk QTM frequently within broader topic discussions, but I’d love for you to address QTM by itself in a historical context. Perhaps starting with the Austrian darling, Henry Thornton, and his “An enquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great […]

Do Commitment of Traders & Inventories Really Matter?

QUESTION: Do you think that the Commitment of Traders and reported inventories are relevant to gauge market performance? ANSWER: The oldest game in town is manipulating inventories. Commodities can be stored at many places, but only selected facilities are on the reporting list. During the famous Buffet Silver scandal of 1997-1998, to justify taking silver up in price […]

Dollar Manipulation by China & Japan?

The two largest foreign holders of the US debt, China and Japan, reduced their holdings of US government bonds in November compared to October. While many are trying to say see, they are dumping US bonds, China reduced its holdings by 1% or $ 12.6 billion to $ 1,176.6 trillion and Japan reduced its positions by $10 billion to […]

Does the Gov’t Seek to keep the public Blind, Deaf, and Dumb?

COMMENT: I watched the Forecaster after ordering the DVD from Amazon. Aside from the fact that it brought tears to my and my wife’s eyes, your forecasts on this year being exceptionally cold, your forecast of Brexit, Trump, the Dow and countless other things, it is not hard to see why the government wanted your […]

Climate Change – As if it was not Supposed to Change

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your computer has proven it can forecast markets, economies, the rise and fall of governments, war, and now even weather well in advance of anyone else. Is this bitter cold just a taste of what is to come? If so, I definitely think it is time to follow you south before you can’t […]

Clinton Foundation Targeted by FBI – About Time!

What goes around, comes around. The Democrats intend to turn-up the heat on the Impeachment of Trump. That is all they have to run on in the midterm elections in November. They voted against any tax reform and simply oppose anything offered by the other side. Politics has just degenerated into the obstruction and neither […]