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Elon Musk for President? Evil Lurking Inside Twitter

QUESTION: Twitter retested the low on your ECM date and the whole rally began from that target. Did Socrates predict what Musk was going to do? And btw, would you support Elon Musk for President? Have you ever met Musk? He is into AI as well. DH ANSWER: Well the answer would be yes, but […]

Smart Investor Article (English Translation Provided)

  I recently appeared on the cover of “Smart Investor” after being approached by journalist Ralph Malisch. Click here to read the full interview (German). The English translation is available below: Smart Investor talks to legendary cycle analyst Martin Armstrong about Corona, war and reshaping the world Smart Investor: Mr. Armstrong, in 2015, The Forecaster, […]

The Supply Chain Crisis Will Worsen

The supply chain issues across the world are continually worsening due to government mismanagement. It seems as if there are sinister intentions at play, as these new restrictions seem to be a deliberate attempt to destroy the global economy. California’s far-left politicians only implement laws to hurt the people. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) […]

Are Democrats Going to Dump Biden?

  COMMENT: Marty, I remember that your computer was projecting that the president in this term would not finish. You said that you did not see Trump finishing a second term and I think you said you did not think Trump would win. Tucker is clearly talking now that the Democrats are looking to dump […]

Climate Change the Tool of Control

QUESTION: Dear Martin, After reading many of your blog posts, there appears to be one question you might not have answered. Do the elitists who are trying to control the world truly believe climate change cycles are not natural, but instead are caused by humans? It would seem that any climate theory that doesn’t explain […]

How Non-Career Politicians Speak

Trump spoke candidly and off-the-cuff. He never wanted to be restricted by cue cards. As Nigel Farage said, people disliked Trump’s “New York-style,” but hey, you can’t deny that the man had a sense of humor. Oh, and by the way, Kimmel, Al Gore was the politician who claimed to create the internet.

Democrats Now Also Poking China The Covert Destruction Ahead

China has bluntly warned that it would take strong measures if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. They have warned that such a visit would severely impact Chinese-U.S. relations. There is a strategy here to undermine BOTH Russia and China. Their three obstacles were Trump, Putin, and Xi. Trump was removed and […]

Market Talk – April 4, 2022

ASIA: Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua called on Saturday for greater efforts to stabilize foreign trade amid a complex external environment, the official Xinhua news agency reported. Commerce Minister Wang Wentao said in March that China’s economy faced multiple challenges at home and abroad this year, including “huge” pressure from uncertainty over global trade and […]

Biden – Inflation – Risk to National Security

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What do you think banks will do with mortgages if we continue experiencing high inflation and/or hyperinflation? Do you think we might be able to pay off a mortgage with gold if things get bad enough? Marc ANSWER: No! The contract is in dollars and that cannot be altered. There won’t be […]

Hope for Humanity

QUESTION: Is there any hope for the future? Between war, digital currency, authoritarianism, and financial collapse, it doesn’t seem like there is much hope for our children. Please let us know what Socrates says, is everyone doomed? Is there anywhere our children can go to escape this madness? B ANSWER: Yes! I know this can […]