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Satire of the American Election or Reality?

MANCHUKISTAN: Social Media channels under the influence of self-declared presidential race winner Joseph Bidenski have banned Manchukistan’s incumbent opposition leader “The Donald” Trump from their networks. The move follows a mostly peaceful protest at the country’s state legislature building by Trump supporters on Wednesday, in which an unarmed former female airforce officer was shot in […]

Delta Airlines Throw People Off the Plane Because they Voted for Trump

  Looks like they are getting everyone to simply discriminate against anybody who voted for Trump. Perhaps Delta should change its logo to Marxist Airlines. If they think they will avoid being shut down by kicking off anyone who voted for Trump, perhaps they should know that behind the curtain they are looking to put […]

Do as I Command – Not as I Do!

The Senate on Monday night approved a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief bill and sent it to President Trump for his signature. The legislation — which follows the passage in the House — authorizes $600 stimulus checks for people who earn less than $75,000 per year and an extra $600 payment per child. A $600 check will not pay […]

Market Talk – December 18, 2020

ASIA: India has decided to put restrictions on some Chinese firms that make telecom equipment. The Narendra Modi government will make a list of trusted companies to buy the equipment from, which means that certain companies will have to face restrictions. So far, Chinese companies have dominated the telecom sector, but they will have to […]

New Security Functions

  QUESTION: Is this imposed by you; Checking your browser before accessing This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly. Please allow up to 5 seconds… DDoS protection by Cloudflare Best Regards F ANSWER: Yes – this is a security layer we put on because those trying to take […]

The Decline & Fall of the West

COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, We need more pics like Winnipeg Costco out in the news: They might wake up the sleeping herd! I’m writing from Toronto where we are in a lockdown since 12:01 today for the next 28 days… and probably more! Our Premier, Doug Ford, clearly mention in his Friday announcement that Big […]

Market Talk – November 24, 2020

ASIA: Australia has hit out at “needlessly” worsening relations with China, with the country’s prime minister appealing for smaller nations not to be caught in the crossfire of Sino-US rivalry. Morrison insisted Australia wanted “mutually beneficial” relations with both its largest trading partner and the United States, while having the right to pursue its own […]

John Kerry – Schwab’s Davos-Man in Biden’s Cabinet

  John Kerry is a Davos Man. He has already publicly stated at Davos at the World Economic Forum that a Great Reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism – (i.e. Trump supporters). They regard Trump was elected by “populism” so what he was saying was to suppress those who voted for Trump which is anti-Democratic. He […]

Defending the Future

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I don’t know it anymore. My FEAR is back which a left behind me years ago. I’m not afraid of dying, I’m more afraid of living. I don’t know anymore what to hope or believe. …  Wow, every party just uses the same words and arguments for a better life for ALL….!! […]

Market Talk – October 29, 2020

  ASIA: Chinese leaders met Monday to formulate an economic blueprint for the next five years that is expected to emphasize the development of semiconductors and other technology at a time when US is cutting off access to US technology. President Xi Jinping’s government is working to promote self-sustaining growth supported by domestic consumer spending […]