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Our European Tour

Our European Tour this season has been very enlightening including meetings with politicians, corporations and many of the top banks. The concern centers around the ECB having to change policy with regard to negative interest rates. The net result has been to create massive hoarding of cash rather than spending cash for the sake of […]

Britain to Raise Retirement Age to 68 to Try to Save Pensions

  The Work and pensions secretary David Gauke have revealed that parliament proposes to raise the pension age to 68. The pension crisis that is brewing throughout Western culture reflects the insanity of lowering interest rates to try to “stimulate” the economy. This policy has set the stage for the next great crisis brewing, which […]

Navigating the Business Cycle = Prosperity

The key to the future is understanding (1) the past and (2) how everything functions. Sure there is a risk of a Dark Age after 2032. Hopefully, we can learn from the past to push things in the right direction at least for once. For whatever reason, the people who like to run government are […]

Understanding Time & the Kondratieff Wave

QUESTION: Dear Martin,   I am a reader of your blog and attendee of some of your conferences. I am quite impressed about the timing of your forecasting arrays. In particular,  May 1 you published the arrays for DJIA (attached) where you showed two clusters of volatility: the weeks of 15 May and 26 June. […]

How High Can the Euro Go on this Reaction – 116 or 125-128?

This upcoming seminar in Frankfurt Germany will deal with both the short-term and long-term. This has been the Year from Political Hell, and it will not end until after the German elections. With the ECB finally throwing in the towel admitting (but certainly not publicly) that nearly 10 years of low to negative interest rates […]

Get Ready for the Phoenix – The Reality of a One World Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you aware of the 1988 Economist article predicting that in 30 years from then we would all be using the same currency?  That is strangely your target of 2018 when you have warned that the Monetary Crisis will begin then. I met an attendee from your 1985 WEC there in Hong […]

The Pension Crisis – & – The Crash & Burn

QUESTION:  Hi Marty – Question: You have blogged about the pension crisis and how Illinois and California on the brink of bankruptcy. Does this mean that other states which you don’t mention, like Florida, Texas, and New York, are financially sound and are going to be able to pay out pensions to their retirees for […]

Tell a Lie Often Enough it Becomes the Truth – How Lies Now Defeat Gold & Dollar

A flood of comments from central banks this week has been signalling that the era of easy money is coming to an end. Of course, the nonsense spouted out by the Gold Promoters that hyperinflation was coming has left 10 years of continually wrong forecasts, yet the pretend analysts have done far more damage to […]

The Plight of Junk Science in All Fields

Junk Science is the real crisis we face as so many people think that Global Warming is caused by man and Co2. Of course, those who really believe this is the problem that will destroy the world perhaps should just commit suicide and take the dog with them. Since we exhale Co2 that would reduce […]

ECB In Serious Trouble

The European Central Bank (ECB) left its stimulus programs and record low interest rates unchanged. Pundits were seeing some cyclical signs of what they hoped was a spreading recovery in the 19 countries that use the euro currency rather than just a bounce in anticipation of tourist season. The ECB dropped any wording that it could […]