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Donating to Promoters & Bankers – The Wall Street Charity

QUESTION: Martin, you said in a recent blog: “Gold peaked with the low in the ECM in 2011 and it should rise after 2016 into 2020. This is a matter of the overall business cycle.” Have you now changed your major low in gold forecast from the original before or in Jan 2014 to now in […]

Hyperinflation Question

QUESTION: First, thank you for your insights on the economy and investing.  Your track record is amazing and I’ve come to rely on your views as an accurate lens of perspective towards our current and upcoming troubles. I have a basic question about the upcoming hyperinflation… If we experience a bout of hyperinflation similar to […]

What About Gold – Hoarding – & the Reserve Dollar Status

The Debt Ceiling Crisis has done far more damage than anyone suspects. It has drawn attention to the Sovereign Debt Crisis by highlighting the national debt and then the “Conservatives” are targeting the Republicans who voted to end the shutdown. While it may be admirable that someone is trying to address the debt crisis, shutting […]

The Solution

QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstong Reflecting on your thought written “Solutions” is the QE process partially accomplishing the thought of eliminating Public Debt and just print money for Government services. Federal debt of $17 trillion, of which $11 trillion is held by foreign nations. The remaining $6 trillion can be eliminated with QEs. If there is incentive […]

Destroying the World Economy

QUESTION: Martin, Luckily I was turned onto you by — ——— (who has been wrong, wrong, wrong…) while you were incarcerated.  I thank god — for turning me onto you, as it is your reports and insight that have not only saved me – but made me a small fortune.  I traded physical gold/silver for […]

Democrats are Believing Their Own Nonsense

Democrats’ stand over sequestration is of course just another step in trying to blame the Republicans. Their own polls tell them they are in the lead and that is what this is all about. Default and they think they will destroy the Republicans and take the full Congress next year. As long as the mainstream […]

European Banking Crisis – Seizing 10% of Everyone’s Accounts – Hello Cyprus

The European Banking Crisis is getting much worse and the whole structure is crumbling to dust. The banks cannot save themselves. The entire crisis is all about the structural design of the Euro, which the politicians will not address. They failed to create a single national debt and in so doing, the banks then used […]

If This is Not DEFLATION – Nothing Is!

Now in the news there is discussion of a 10% seizure of ALL deposits in ALL of Europe to cover this failed experiment called the Euro. In the Greek newspaper HEMPHΣIA, they reported today on Sunday that the new deal to surface now that Merkel is in power will be the seizure of 10% of ALL deposits to go toward the Sovereign Debt […]

DEBT – PENSION CRISIS – Fuel Behind A Stock Rally

I cannot emphasize how serious a situation we are in on two fronts (1) Sovereign Debt Crisis and (2) Pension Crisis. These are really global problems that are going to explode in our faces. In Europe we have the Sovereign Debt Crisis has spilled over into the banking system since banks were required to have […]

The German Press Acknowledges The Federalization & Death of Democracy in Europe

Now the German press is starting to wake up for the headlines call it “The slow death of democracy in Europe”.  The Greens are losing ground everywhere as economics displaces environmental issues. In Germany, the SPD was reduced to a mere shadow of its former self while the Greens were reduced and the FDP crashed […]