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The Polls Being Manipulated?

  We may be witnessing the manipulation of polls once again that show Biden way ahead of Trump as we did in 2016 in the USA and with BREXIT. This time it seems that the manipulation is taking place on Steriods. According to our models, the support for Republicans looking at the House & Senate […]

Is Bill Gates Really a Racist Using Climate Change as the Excuse to Depopulate Africa?

What is really amazing is that Bill Gates’ father has long been an alleged racist with Planned Parenthood targeting minorities. Eugenics has also been about improving the Anglo-Saxon/Scandinavian portion of the white race as being superior and the black race is the lowest. We are in this era of taring down statues of monumental of […]

Market Talk – June 19, 2020

ASIA: Donald Trump has renewed his threat to cut ties with China, a day after his diplomats held high-level talks with Beijing and his top US trade negotiator said severing the trade relationship was not a viable option. The US response came as Washington questioned China’s credibility on accurately reporting the new Covid-19 cluster in […]

The Great Reset – The Final Battle Against Marxists

The rising civil unrest is starting to take notice of Bill Gates and his consortium hell-bent on changing the world economy. They have used the coronavirus as a ploy to shut down the world economy all for their Climate Change Agenda. There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that points to Fauci funding the creation […]

German Debt Grows by €412 Billion Euros

Germany’s debts are growing by almost half a trillion euros this year due to the corona crisis — and have thus reached a new historical high. In 2019, the Germany public debt was €2.053 trillion euros ($2.3 trillion dollars), which was decreasing marginally by about €145 billion since 2018. This amount worked out to be […]

The Fed is Trying to Hold up the World

QUESTION: What is you opinion sir on default on the debt when the FED is bailing out the world on it debts as fast as possible, including the 15 central banks with the “swap lines” loans to these central banks?? A Excel sheet is on the N.Y. FED web site with the list of the […]

Defunding Police – Is This the Right Choice or the Next Step in Revolution?

All of the protests making this a racist issue have distorted the real problem which remains immunity created by the Supreme Court. We must look at these protests in their historical context for calling them simply racist rather than abuse of power hides them from the view of these events forming part of a revolutionary […]

Hong Kong & Sanctions

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Hong Kong is the source for US dollars for China. If Trump imposes serious sanctions, this would actually lead to a shortage of dollars in Asia. What do you see as a possibility in the middle of this madness? HJ ANSWER: The actual composition of the sanction from the United States remains […]

Spain is in Partnership with Bill Gates

FROM A READER IN SPAIN FROM FORMER COMMUNIST STATE The new law in Spain for the “new normality” has been approved. Spain is in full partnership with Bill Gates. They’ve hammered out some of the final details of the rules. Spain will no longer be a destination for tourists. They are clearly cutting off 12% […]

Spain’s New Rule: Masks & Social Distancing or 100 Euro Fine

Spain’s new rules when their lockdown ends require masks to be worn at all times, even in 100-degree weather (40+), with the penalty of a 100 euro fine. It is clear that Spain is on the Gates agenda. It appears that Gates has conquered Europe. Spain will begin guaranteed basic income, which is in preparation […]