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Deutsche Bank – the New Lehman Brothers?

The rumor mill has been nonstop. The crushing blow to Europe will be the failure of Germany’s biggest bank: Deutsche Bank. Just about every circle is quietly discussing how the bank is facing bankruptcy. The rumors have flown since March when Deutsche Bank failed the U.S. regulatory stress test, which was followed by the resignation […]

Advice for the Fed

I understand that Larry Summers and the IMF, among others, are advising the Fed not to raise rates. They are expecting the Fed to sacrifice domestic policy objectives for international objectives where so many have borrowed in dollars to save interest. This is the real clash between domestic vs. international and the consequence of the […]

Answering Questions for the Press

 Questions submitted by the Spanish Press Q: You predicted an economic peak by October 1, and you suggest there may be a U.S. government shutdown on that day. What’s going to happen in the following months? A: 2015.75 (September 30/October 1), is the BEGINNING of an economic trend rather than the end. It also happens to be the […]

A Question of Money — Interest & Bankers

QUESTION:  Mr Armstrong, interesting article today, the story of the store of value (at least long term) has always confused me. One can look at saving accounts also as an asset as it yields the interest payment and one relinquishes the access to the money. No difference to bonds. But your article causes some questions: […]

Reality Check

Over the weekend, The Financial Times reported that Beijing would abandon its large-scale share purchases. This story sparked declines in China’s A-listed shares, although the Shanghai Composite pared losses to close 0.8 percent down. Then there is Jackson Hole and how amazingly stupid people are who do not understand what the Fed has been saying […]

Does China’s Devaluation Reduce the Odds of the Fed Raising Rates?

Does China’s devaluation reduce the odds of the Fed raising rates? Some people assume that is the case. However, the Fed is in a box and unless they raise rates, the next crisis in pensions will wipe out far more than most people anticipate. True, everyone from the IMF to most other countries are begging the Fed […]

Supreme Court Upholds Same Sex Marriage

There is probably no other decision that could stir the fires in the Republican Party to further the SPLIT than this decision, despite the fact that it is legally correct. You cannot deny gays equal rights without surrendering your own, for that is how the law really works. If you say a black cannot vote, then that […]

Cashless Society – Tracking Gold – the Hunt for Loose Change

QUESTION: Hi Marty, if they eliminate cash – how would that affect 3rd world countries? Wouldn’t that add a huge dose of salt on that part of the wounded world? Also would we be back to Silver as the payment that the Tax man does not get? Ala Hunt brothers who bought it when Gold […]

Australian Banks Win Behind the Curtain?

The Australian government is extremely left wing, even among the Conservatives. Nevertheless, the Australian budget for 2015 has been leaking out little by little and the reaction to taxing savings was not well received publicly or behind the curtain. This time the Australian banks rose up and warned they would lose all standing in world commerce. The proposal to […]

The Fed & The Fish Bowl Economy Theory

QUESTION: Sir, Thank you so much for sharing your insights via your website. I only recently discovered it and devour the writings daily. In the interest of full disclosure, I am not an economist nor do I pretend to be intelligent enough to portray any deep knowledge on the subject. I do however enjoy watching trends […]