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Tugboats Need Rescue in NYC

This winter is very cold. It has even gone down to the 40s at night in Northern Florida. There is a mad rush to run out and buy coats down here. Meanwhile, in the LaLa-Land of corruption, New York City, the ice in the Hudson River keeps getting thicker. Historians had remarked that as the […]

Understanding Cycles & Dynamic Interconnectivity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I really do not think the world respects your work. I read on your blog there was going to be a bad flu from Australia that would hit Britain. Then a few days later, the headline here is all about what you forecast. You really have to go public and let people […]

Did US Interfere in the Russian Elections in 1999?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, It appears obvious why your film the Forecaster was banned in the USA by Netflix and others. Besides showing the corruption in the American Justice system by Judge Castel, Owen, and Kenan, and the corruption of protecting those bankers, the film exposes the plain fact that the United States interfered in the […]

Interstate Banking & Changes to the Federal Reserve

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, You say, “The one-size-fits-all policy of central banks with regard to interest rates pits East v West in both Canada and the United States. Farmers, oil producers, and miners are forced to pay higher interest rates when their economies are declining because of speculative booms in Toronto or New York.” I can […]

The Separatist Movements in Canada & One-Size-Fits-All of Marx

Many people are aware of the various attempts of Quebec to separate from Canada. What they are unaware of is the supporters of the Western Independence Party of Alberta. There has been an undertone of the separatist movement in Alberta which actually stems from the Great Depression usurpation of the Federal Reserve by Franklin D. Roosevelt. […]

Prosecutor & Media Abuse of Power

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am sure you are aware of the sudden correction to the hyped stories by ABC and CNN that a confidant of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials. Of course, they twisted that directive when Trump had […]

How China will Surpass the West

QUESTION: Marty I just finished watching “The Forecaster” and I am impressed that you survived what the government did to you. As a former Green Beret from back in the day, I can appreciate what you endured more than most, my hats off to you. All I can add is I hope to hell that no […]

Bitcoin to be Declared a Financial Institution — Beware!

The risk with Bitcoin is that the government could simply change the definition of money. That is what they did to me back in 1980 because I was one of the three main market-makers in gold (perhaps the biggest). It was all a hunt for taxes, not concerning me but my clients. I have explained […]

The Trump Tax Cut, the Pass-Through, & Multinationals

The Trump Tax Reform is a very major deal. There are seven brackets in today’s individual tax code. The Senate version of the Trump Reform is not a windfall for the rich lowering their bracket from 39.6% to just 38.5%. The seven tax brackets currently are: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%.  Changes […]

High-End Real Estate Starting to Enter Crash Mode

The high-end market in Connecticut is starting to decline. The hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller bought his estate in 2004 for $23 million. He had it on the market for $31.5 million. The best offer he got was $25 million. He took the money and ran. Smart move! With a real estate tax of about $154,000 annually, looks […]