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Climate Change – Hiding the Truth

COMMENT: Awesome !!!! Yeah that’s you Martin ! National treasure Also the Climate Change hysteria. I’ve been on that for 30 years. You are spot on. I took 3 semesters of geology and ran the lab for my professor. He specialized in glaciology. Martin I feel that outside of the deep state running the show […]

Market Talk – November 26, 2019

ASIA: Top US and Chinese negotiators held an agreement this morning regarding the trade war. The Chinese commerce ministry said they have reached a “common understanding.” They also jointly stressed that they are working on resolving core issues of common concern, and that communication will be open for the remaining issues related to “phase one.” […]

Pole Shifts & Climate Change

QUESTION: Good morning, Mr. Armstrong. Last week, you wrote about the north and south poles flipping. Has Socrates ever suggested that the earth could flip so that the north and south poles move to where the equator is now; that is, has the earth ever moved sideways? I live in Edmonton, Alberta and, at one […]

Al Gore Was Also Behind the Panic in 2000 – Y2K Was Going to Shut Down the World

QUESTION: Marty, is it true that Al Gore was behind the Y2K scare back in 2000 that all the computers would crash and nothing happened? JC ANSWER: Yes. It was Al Gore back then who was behind the hype that the world was going to crash because the computers would all fail when the date […]

Is Trump Being Kept in the Dark?

QUESTION: Regarding the repo crisis blog. Surely president Trump would be interested in what you do. Am I just being naive? I mean if the administration were kept informed by Socrates, knowing it’s history, wouldn’t they try to adapt? At some point they have to admit your right. MH ANSWER: I think Trump himself would […]

The Extinction Rebellion Propaganda Exposed

There has been a rise in Europe of what is called the Extinction Rebellion, which boasts: “We are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making.” This has been based upon a book that has put forth a theory that one of the five mass extinctions in history was caused by CO2 […]

North Korea – Famine & Civil Unrest

One of the reasons North Korea has such a large army is not patriotism. Those in the army are fed before everyone else. North Korea has always had a major problem — growing food. From a timing perspective, 72 years from the birth of the 38th parallel brought us to 2017. The War Cycle involving […]

The Decline & Fall of Civilization is Upon Us

COMMENT: Good afternoon I would like to share a testimony to Marty: I am french and have attended a conference of technology in Germany last weekend, in which Barack Obama attended as a guest speaker. Though I am not American nor Republican, I was really surprised by the tonality and the comments different American speakers […]

The Whistle-Blower’s Lawyer Called for a Coup back in 2017 Against Trump – That’s Impartial?

The attorney for the claimed whistleblower against President Donald Trump that the Democrats are desperate to try to hide his identity, Mark Zaid, defended his tweets calling for a “coup” against President Trump. Zaid claims to be nonpartisan but he is obviously not when he calls for a coup against the president of the United […]

Trying to Overthrow the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty, you said at the conference the efforts to overthrow the dollar as the reserve currency have failed and it will take the Monetary Crisis Cycle to accomplish that. Now that Lagarde is in the ECB, will she aid that overthrow to be replaced by the IMF’s SDR? It was a fantastic conference this […]