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Market Talk – January 8, 2024

ASIA:   Japan emphasized the importance of promptly finalizing the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Sri Lanka and creditor nations for debt restructuring. This comes after an agreement in principle was reached last year. Japan, along with France and India, co-chairs the committee overseeing creditor nations. Sri Lanka, facing its worst financial […]

The Next Supply Chain Crisis?

The kids Obama attempted to bomb in Yemen all those years ago grew up fast. They’ve now formed surprisingly efficient militias who hate the West and have become powerful enough to impact global trade. Yemeni Houthi rebels are blocking carriers from passing through the Suez Canal and have created near pandemic-level disruptions to the supply […]

The Year from Political Hell

QUESTION: Can you elaborate on 2024 being the year from hell with elections everywhere? We all know about Trump and Putin. Is the rest of the world going nuts as well? Jeff ANSWER: Oh, I would say that is a fair statement about the entire world. Pakistan is perhaps the role model for Biden. The […]

May 2024 & the WHO

Historically, the mindset from the very beginning of the United Nations has been this theory that a one-world government will end all wars. This has even been expressed directly by Julian Huxley, one of the founders. In fact, I had deep conversations with Maggie Thatcher about this and how the EU was proceeding with the […]

It’s Time for a Decision on Ukraine

I have spent way too much time the past few days on phone conversations concerning the geopolitical Ukrainian mess from different sides and what our computer is showing. There is a growing concern in Washington that this war in Ukraine has run its course. This seems to have risen since Biden threatened if he did […]

Market Talk – January 5, 2024

ASIA: China’s central bank is likely to expand the pledged supplementary lending (PSL) tool further to support the struggling property sector. This follows a recent injection of 350 billion yuan ($49.1 billion) through PSL, aimed at catalyzing investments in real estate, boosting credit expansion, and driving first-quarter economic growth. The People’s Bank of China extended […]

The Truth About Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies – An Unpopular Analysis

“Could governments seize bitcoin?” That is a common question, and much to the dismay of many, my opinion does not match the typical analysis. I have lost clients due to my honesty regarding crypto. I understand many firmly believe that Bitcoin will one day become the alternative to the USD, but it is unwise to […]

Market Talk – January 4, 2024

  ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 175.88 points or -0.53% to 33,288.29 Shanghai decreased 12.90 points or -0.43% to 2,954.35 Hang Seng decreased 0.43 points or 0.00% to 16,645.98 ASX 200 decreased 29.10 points or -0.39% to 7,494.10 Kospi decreased 20.29 points or -0.78% to […]

NATO Gifts Ukraine $5.5 Billion in Patriot Missiles

NATO announced that has purchased 1,000 Patriot missiles to prolong the war in Ukraine. The total purchase amounts to $5.5 billion as each missile costs around $4 million (batteries not included). NATO is bypassing the wishes of independent nations who wished to cease funding the war. Defense contractors are celebrating this endless war. Raytheon, a […]

Market Talk – January 3, 2024

ASIA:   China has unexpectedly issued oil import quotas for 2024, allocating 179.01 million tons (3.59 million barrels a day) to private refiners and traders. This nearly matches the total allowances for the previous year. The move surprised the market, and with a preliminary allocation in December, the total for 2024 now stands at 183.69 […]