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Bonds & Stocks Rally – What’s Going On?

This coming week is what we would call in horse racing a trifecta with former FBI director James Comey’s testimony, the U.K. election, and the ECB monetary-policy meeting. Then our capital flow models seem to be picking up European buying of both US shares and bonds taking advantage of a rally in the Euro. The […]

The Frankfurt Seminar

Thank you to all who joined us at the Frankfurt seminar!

A video of the event will be available for purchase shortly, and all attendees will receive the video complimentary.

The Proposed Euro Bond Issue to Bailout ECB

COMMENT: Well Mr. Armstrong, perhaps you are wrong at last. It looks like your meetings in Brussels that quite a few people noted you shuffling around town did have an impact. Looks like your constant warning about the structure of the euro’s failure is being corrected. Looks like you did make a difference. So congratulations […]

Gold & Euro & Dollar

QUESTION: Marty; You said gold was still vulnerable in dollars but that the low was probably in place in Euros. I have been trying to reconcile that statement in my mind. The only way that happens is a real crisis in Europe and a strong dollar. Correct? It seems really naive that people get bullish […]

Is Germany Putting Pressure on Draghi? Absolutely!

QUESTION: Hi Martin, It cannot be said enough: thank you for everything that you do. While I would love the opportunity to sit down with you as I have a million questions concerning your excellent posts of today, let me focus in on The Coming Central Bank Crisis. As the Fed begins to unwind its […]

Money Rushing in Emerging Markets & Europe – Really?

QUESTION: Martin; it seems the Emerging Markets are back in favor just as interest rates are on the rise and their dollar borrowings have exploded. Is this the final bubble that is unfolding? When the WSJ writes about a trend it is usually the end. They are noting that significant flows of funds are now […]

California is Highest Taxed State in USA and should join the EU

Governor Jerry Brown never saw a problem that could not be solved by just raising more taxes. This time, the state pension fund is going broke as we have been warning with the building Pension Crisis thanks to mismanagement and low interest rates championed by Larry Summers. California has already increased its gasoline tax by 50% […]

Emerging Market Debt Expanding Twice the Rate of 2016

The view that BREXIT is a creating uncertainty in Europe with the swell of populism, the demand for dollar denominated debt has been strong over the past year. This has led to more debt being racked up at a faster pace than ever in US dollars among emerging markets, which stood at about 50% of […]

Why Central Banks & Buying Equities

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why is the Swiss Central Bank buying American equities? On the one hand you would think it is manipulation, but on the other, why manipulate the US share market? Any clue since you have met with them directly? LW ANSWER: I wrote about that explaining that the central banks have been buying […]

The Confidence Game – The Next Crisis

QUESTION: Martin, I started following your models shortly after college in 2000 when I entered the financial advisor world. I soon realized how clueless this industry was and formed a hedge fund in Tampa in March 2007 to short retail and housing, largely based on your models & my understanding of cycles. I reached the top […]