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Hedge Funds get Hit – Unable to See TIME – “Rich Man’s Panic of 2014”

The rumors we were reporting on the street about the Hedge Funds appear to be true. They have been unable to see time as so often the case and have been hit with the worst losses in Industry’s history since 2011. This may indeed contribute to what we see with the postponement of the Phase […]

Gold v Equities

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong … In the Metals report you mentioned that the further Gold fell, the greater the rally would be thereafter. So don’t the same principles apply to what is currently happening in equities? Support areas are being breached, but don’t a lot of investors watch the same areas so the “heard” mentality […]

ECB Wiping out German Savers With Every Step It Takes

The interest rate policy of the European Central Bank has massive redistributive effects within Euroland. With every step it takes, the ECB continues to exploit Germany for the benefit of holding to the Euro by bailing out the rest of Europe. The German savers are been wiped out and sent into extinction as they see […]

The Troika – Threatening Ireland Now As Well

The term Troika, actually comes from the Russian meaning “group of three”. It was increasingly used during the Euroland crisis to describe the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank, who formed a group of international lenders that laid down stringent austerity measures when they provided bailouts, or promises of bailouts  for indebted […]

ECB Meets in Naples & Riots Breakout

The European Central Bank (ECB) says it met in Naples to celebrate Europe’s diversity. The ECB president Mario Draghi defends the ECB  insisting that it helped fix the crisis, amid anti-austerity demonstrations in Italy that have rocked Naples.  The government has been gassing people and turned water cannons on the demonstrators. The problem is that government and the ECB […]

Obama Defends Goldman Sachs & Derivatives Demand EU Include them in Free Trade and Cannot Regulate US Banks

Obama is defending Goldman Sachs & of NY Bankers in their bid to include Derivatives in the free trade agreement with Europe and to ensure they cannot be regulated by Europe. Obama insists, at the bank’s request, that to subject US banks to EU regulation will complicate the regulatory landscape unnecessarily. The banks are lobbying hard […]

Chaos of War – The Next Will Be no CNN TV Special

According to reliable sources, the primary reason I have been for backing off of war is because this is by no means going to be some TV CNN special where you watch things be blown up on TV as if it were a surreal movie or video game. First, Russia has intercontinental nuclear capability but […]

Spain is Militarizing Against Citizens – The Coming Civil War?

The Spanish government is militarizing gearing up for violent protests against the EU that are expected to turn up before a hot autumn. Spain is now equipping the police for about one billion euros with new combat equipment. Violent protests in Spain since the crisis began almost a daily occurrence. Movements such as 25 de Mayo […]

Putin – War – & Return of Mercenaries – the Masquerade

Many people have written asking about Putin. The pundits are claiming the Russian Army is weak and could not wage war. Russia is actually looking at expanding its military policy re-targeting Europe and the USA as enemies, and rewriting protocols for justification of a defensive first strike with nuclear weapons. The greatest mistake that the West […]

Russia Demands Ukrainian Troops Withdraw – US Sends in Troops

US Troops have headed into Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Eastern Europe is moving into a real crisis as many countries including Poland fear Russia. Belarus and Moldavia are effectively Russian states. Russia really want Ukraine and to take Kiev. That is a historical heritage to Russian  and if Ukraine falls, they have the largest population […]