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Trial by Ice – Not Fire – The New Ice Age Cometh?

  Hey – it is snowing in Mexico City. In the 2012 Maya Report, We published the natural cycles that are most concerning. About every 11 years with the Sunspot Cycle, the poles flip polarity on the sun. I provided the evidence obtained from the lava flows at the bottom of the sea that confirm the […]

New Contagion

It appears that we are at the beginning of a trend similar to the race riots that started in 1964 insofar as this is against police brutality and abuse. The Reverend Al Sharpton led thousands of chanting but peaceful activists in a march across Staten Island on Saturday to protest the death of Eric Garner, […]

Is the New World Order Cracking Apart?

Amazing, but some people have sent quotes attributed to R. Bildeberg claiming he will dominate the world. The Bildebergs are not named after a person some people have been making up these wild quotes. It was a Hotel where the first meeting was held. The quotes are fake. The first meeting was organized by late […]

Assassination – tool of Revolution – The Contagion of the 19th Century – Are We in for a New Contagion?

A number of people have asked what was this Marxist Anarchist movement inspired by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and are we seeing this rise again? The very idea of assassinating leaders such as President Lincoln and President McKinley was part of an international trend that began during the 19th century and was based upon the theory that […]

Important European News

Bundesbank’s President Jens Weidmann was questioned for the first time by the press on the future of the euro. Weidmann renewed his criticism of the rescue policy of the European Central Bank (ECB). The announcement by ECB President Mario Draghi to purchase unlimited government bonds to stabilize the euro, Weidmann views that this threatens the very existence of the […]

Dow Makes New Highs?

The Dow makes new highs. Sorry: This is an international market NOT simply domestic. The key to REAL forecasting is global NEVER in isolation. You simply cannot forecast ANYTHING in isolation. Now the gurus will come out claiming to have called it as they always do. Just ask how? This model has been unbelievable on […]

New Study Confirms NY Corruption

Traveling around the world and meeting with governments revealed a very interesting development. Because of my confrontation with New York, everyone felt at ease to speak frankly. They all confirmed that the view of NYC is on par with some third world dictatorship. Speaking with fund managers produced similar results. After MF Global, they concur, […]

SEC New Chief – Mary Jo White

Mary Jo White is from NYC. There will be no change at the SEC. She was a prosecutor for US Department of Justice in Southern District of New York and is familiar with the practice there of changing transcripts of what takes place in court, see US v Zicetello, She never prosecuted the bankers. The […]

Europe The London Financial News – April 21, 1997

The London Financial News April 21, 1997 View Across the Pond In its Present Form, EMU could Prove to be the EU’s Undoing, Says Martin Armstrong The debate over European Monetary Union has largely been argued both emotionally and technically from a theoretical perspective. Nonetheless, there is a much more serious issue of concern for […]

US Bloomberg Network Newsletter – December 4 1997

Bloomberg Network Newsletter December 4, 1997 Dollar/Yen to Hit 145/160 HONG KONG, December 4 (Reuters) – The dollar yen might hit 145 – 160 next year, Princeton Economics International said in a report of the November issue. The key pivot point for dollar yen to watch will be 126.68, the report said. “A year-end closing […]