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Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong,  I am a big fan of your work. I read ALL of your blogs and have purchased some of your materials. You truly opened my eyes to how the world really works. I am unfortunately one of those public workers you talk about. I first hand see how my employers are having trouble […]

How far in the future does your computer model project?

QUESTION: How far in the future does your computer model project? ANSWER: One of the fascinating aspects about modeling the world economy is you rapidly discover that the complexity is enormous, yet the outcome is far more predictable Long-Term than Short-Term. This may seem illogical at first, but once you comprehend the dynamics of the system […]

What the Hell Can we do To Hide from the Future?

QUESTION: Hi Marty I was at the trading class in PA though you did an excellent job I have worked on Wall Street for about 25 years sales and trading on equities desk at Lehman, First Boston I have learned more reading your work and attending your conferences than anything over those 25 years So […]

Complexity & the Future of the Dow

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong. Going by your projections, is it reasonably safe to assume we will not have a major depression/crash before the 2032 ultimate cycle high? Many thanks. ANSWER: No. Nothing goes straight up. What does have to happen is the thinking process will invert and higher interest rates will be seen as bullish for […]

The Way of the Future

“Come, Watson, come!” Sherlock Holmes cried. “The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!” There has been some who are upset at IBM’s Watson who they have been educating regarding medicine. Artificial Intelligence is the way of the future for as individuals we learn personally, yet are incapable of preserving and passing […]

So What Does the Future Hold?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, In your last post you say that sovereign debt crisis may be postponed for 8.6 years.  Would this delay the phase transition in the Dow and other US share markets.  Thank you for your posts, me and others I talk to read your blog everyday. Sincerely, JD ANSWER: Any postponement in the […]

The Future from Two Different Perspectives

Dow & the Future

The Dow Jones Industrials are approaching the major top of the up uptrend channel. which stands at the 16000 level for the 3rd quarter. We have a turning point in September. The real question is will we breakout and move into a Phase Transition going into 2015.75? This depends entirely how we interact with this […]

Britain & the Future

COMMENT:  I would like my deepest admiration for you and your work to be a matter of record. It does seem slightly strange to be saying that, known as I am for being a feet firmly on the ground individual, but making known my support may also be of some interest. … Though I now rather […]

The Dow & The Future

We will be publishing an update shortly on world share markets once we have the ECM turning point in place 8/07. For now, here too the Dow peaked on this reaction from the 6/06 low for 8 trading days into 06/18 when we hit the Directional Change here as well. Look for higher volatility tomorrow. […]