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The Euro/Swiss Has Been Warning The Peg Could Not Hold

  At the Berlin World Economic Conference I delivered the same forecast we gave to the Swiss – the EURO/SWISS PEG COULD NOT HOLD.  Indeed, its lasted about Pi 3.14 years before the pressure really built and 3.3 years it cracked. Who is to blame? The Swiss? Or does the blame belong to Brussels and […]

The Coming Mortgage Panic Set-Off By Swiss

During the 1980s, Australians were hit hard as banks had sold them mortgages in Swiss francs to save them on interest rates. The next shoe to fall is the Swiss Franc Mortgage Panic that will be part of 2015.75. Countless homeowners outside of Switzerland have been sold mortgages in Swiss francs. They will now see […]

Treading Water

We see the potential here for a 5 months CONSOLIDATION (treading water) – not a 5 months collapse. That means no sustainable breakout just yet – just base building. The key support begins at the 16300 on the Dow. We need to see the capital concentrate in bonds to create a major bond bubble like […]

Can The Dow Correct for up to 5 Months?

  A weekly closing in the Dow Jones Industrials below 17722 will confirm that the January correction where we have had that Panic Cycle due in the middle of the month is in play. This will open the door to a retest of the 16300 area. Keep in mind that we did NOT achieve the […]

The Bond Bubble – Confirmed

The BUBBLE for 2015,75 should be the bond market – not stocks. The capital flows should move into the typical flight to quality mode and drive rates even lower. This will set the stage for BIG BANG. To accomplish that, we should see the stock markets tread water, but not necessarily drive off the cliff. […]

Commodity Contagion

Equity markets around the globe have tumbled on Monday, led by commodity-linked shares as oil prices fell to 5-1/2-year lows and investors fled to the safety of government bonds. The so-called “smart money” is running into bonds and this is what we need to complete the bubble in bonds that will burst for BIG BANG. […]

Is Gold Still Viable?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I’m 47….basically one question……….is Gold over for my life time?   Should I just sell it?   What does the ECM say about Gold after big bang? thanks for all you efforts.   D in … Australia.  ANSWER: No. Gold is still a vital component for what we face. My problem is purely […]

There Are Only 2 Types of Antagonists

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the debut in Amsterdam when someone tried to stop the film by creating a panic to run from the theater. It was a remarkable film that is much like a political thriller exposing the machinations behind the curtain as you say. It is something I am anxious to buy on […]

Crude Oil – In the Grips of Massive Deflationary Cycle

Our original forecast for oil back in 1997 was that it should rise to reach the $100 level at least by 2007. We reached $99.29 in 2007 and then 2008 was a wild trading year reaching $147.27 intraday crashing back to $35.13 and closing the year at $44.60. Oil made the intraday low in 2009 […]

Belarus Imposes Price Controls as Ruble Falls

The crisis in the Ruble is of course being portrayed as a Western plot to destroy Russia. The Council of Ministers of Belarus has issued a directive imposing an indefinite moratorium on raising consumer prices in the country. What is unfolding before our eyes is the end of Marxism – society is just too dumb […]