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Sanity in the Middle of Chaos – Why Italy Has More Deaths than China

COMMENT:  Marty, I am a physician in Ohio. Long time blog reader and pro subscriber since WEC in Orlando 2019. I am amazed at the groupthink that has “infected” medicine just like it has destroyed social science, climate change discussions, politics, etc. It is very destructive. I want to share with your readers some real […]

Demonizing China & Russia – A Covert Means to Justify War?

QUESTION #1: Mr. Armstrong; The latest conspiracy is claiming that the Chinese are behind the coronavirus and it was a biological weapon. The new twist is the claim there is a “Gain of Function” attribute they engineered. The claim now asserts that there is peer-review citing a study Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) entitled, […]

China Protest Forcing Review of Local Decision Making

Doctor Li Wenliang who sounded one of the first warnings on the Wuhan coronavirus, and was silenced by Chinese authorities, has died from the virus. This has actually led to a widespread protest in China emphasizing the problems with a sometimes authoritative local government. The clash between the local government’s decisions and those on the […]

Coronavirus & China’s Bio-Weapons Lab Conspiracy

There is a conspiracy theory that is running around very fast which portrays this Coronavirus which began in Wuhan may be linked to two laboratories of the Chinese bio-warfare program. This story is making the news but it appears to be just a coincidence at this time. The laboratory is the only declared site in China […]

Rogoff’s Global Carbon Tax – Give the Money to China

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What do you think about Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff who advocates a global carbon tax and then takes that money and hand it to China to subsidize them ending coal to generate electricity? I think he has lost his mind. HC ANSWER: This is why major institutions have ZERO respect for academics. […]

China Moving to Create a Digital Currency

China’s National People’s Congress has passed a new law to create a digital yuan. Back on December 5, 2013, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) took its first step in regulating Bitcoin by prohibiting financial institutions from handling Bitcoin transactions. They were using Bitcoin to get money out of China in a modern money laundering scheme. Cryptocurrency […]

China Communism v Hybrid Capitalism

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Thank you for the excellent source of information. Just to let you know I am a big fan of cycles. Previously you predict China will rise and become the financial capital of the world in the 2030s. However, most communist parties do not survive in the past 75 years. Does the Chinese […]

Thucydides Trap & War Between China & USA

QUESTION: What do you make of Trump’s proposal to restrict US investment in China? Will this send the US economy into recession as everyone is saying? DH ANSWER: I have never seen the press so anti-president in the history of this nation. Every possible thing they claim will destroy the US economy. The US trade […]

What Percent of US Economy Involves trade from China?

QUESTION: Are you saying that the China trade is not that big of a deal to the US economy? It seems like the press makes it sound like this is the end of the world and we will go into a depression. HS ANSWER: The total amount of goods that China sells into the US […]

China warning the Hong Kong Protests are a “Color Revolution”

  After 12 weeks of protests in Hong Kong, the likelihood of China sending in troops has escalated. Xinhua News Agency said Sunday in China recalling comments by former top leader Deng Xiaoping saying Beijing has to act under such circumstances. In Sunday’s commentary, Xinhua said Hong Kong’s protests have turned into a Color Revolution […]