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Al Gore to Hold Australian Climate Change Event to Discourage Australians From Mining Coal

Al Gore is still at it. At the expense to Australian taxpayers of $142,000, Gore will lead a three-day climate change lecture in Queensland. Gore will push his global warming theory, speaking at the Minister’s Climate Change event in Brisbane from June 5 to 7, 2019. The three-day climate change conference was supposed to include […]

Canadian Extremists Want to Sue all the Oil Companies for Causing Climate Change

In Canada, the left is urging lawsuits against oil companies to force them to pay for all the damage to the climate. Honestly, the oil companies should announce that they will layoff all Canadians and shut down all operations in Canada. Perhaps then these extremists will get what it means to go without oil: no more […]

Climate Change & Democrats Refuse to Vote

Despite all the outrageous rhetoric from AOC and her New Green Deal, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell brought the Green New Deal resolution up for a vote without any hearings after a brief floor debate. He wanted the world to see that shutting down all air transportation and ending anything with fossil fuels would not go […]

Climate Change, Midwest Floods & Food Shortages

The Great Flood of 1927, flooded the lower Mississippi River valley in April 1927.  It was one of the worst natural disasters in American history. More than 23,000 square miles of land was submerged, hundreds of thousands of people were displaced, and around 250 people died. The flooding impacted areas in Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, […]

Climate Change: Real – Fake – Exaggerated?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that you are against human-induced global warming yet you confirm that climate change is natural. You seem to be in the middle of these arguments. You warned that solar activity was declining and there was a risk of going into a mini ice-age, but you did not seem to place high […]

Food Riots of 1795 Due to Climate Change

The British had a long tradition of striking tokens for political purposes. There were political tokens against the American Revolution. Some pictured Thomas Paine being hanged for writing his Common Sense. There was Climate Change back then as well and it resulted in massive riots over shortages of food. The British also even issued a […]

Climate Change Conspiracy to End Steel & Plastic Production

QUESTION: Are you aware that the climate change crowd is trying to force companies to expose the fact that whatever they produce is damaging the environment and investors should sell their shares to drive them into bankruptcy? PD ANSWER: Yes, the latest fashionable demand is to force companies to make “climate disclosures” that reflect their skewed […]

Toilet Paper Causes Climate Change

  It didn’t take long. They keep looking at every possible aspect to blame for climate change, so now it is toilet paper. The latest study says the largest U.S. makers of at-home tissue products—Procter & Gamble Co., Kimberly-Clark Corp., and Georgia-Pacific—all use only virgin fiber in their major brands with no recycled content. The U.S. […]

Professor Jordan on Climate Change – the Reality  

Climate Change & Commodities

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I love the fact that you look at everything from a pure cyclical perspective. Al Gore who started this whole mess was not a climatologist. He was a politician. You are 100% correct that people will believe what they want to believe. There is no talking to one of this idiots. When […]