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Federal Reserve to Return to its Original Design

The Federal Reserve will return to its origin and it will do what it was originally designed to do. They will lend now on commercial paper rather than just government. As everyone knows,  this has been my strongest recommendation and criticism of Quantitative Easing. The Fed was originally designed to create Elastic Money buying corporate […]

Coronavirus, Hedge Funds Blow Up & the Elephant in the Room Nobody Notices

I do not like to contribute to conspiracy theories. They are more often just wrong. I have mentioned that there was massive liquidation last week, but it is not over. The largest hedge fund run by Ray Dalio who said “cash is trash” and his #1 guy pronounced that the central banks had defeated the […]

Fake News – Coronavirus & the Dow

COMMENT #1: Marty, you are the only person who tells the truth in markets. If the coronavirus is spreading everywhere outside the USA, then why is money fleeing from the US stock market to run to places where there is the virus? This is fake news at its best. You are right. This is the […]

Gold & the Future

QUESTION: Hi Marty I hear what you are saying about the next gen and Gold vs BTC. To me it begs the question as to how the Next Gen’s look at crypto’s. Is there an argument that they like BTC etc because it is anonymous [mostly] and not part of the ‘system’. If that is the […]

Gold & the Slingshot

QUESTION: My reading of the gold was that for the slingshot up to dramatic new highs it needed the fakeout bear trap just below the 1000 mark. Since it took out your 1,362.50 number and the yearly bullish reversal at the end of 2019, does that mean the slingshot is now dead?  Do you think […]

ECM Day is Here

  The Economic Confidence Model has marked specific highs and lows in markets to the very day at times depending upon the shifts in capital flows. Why has the business cycle been masked in complexity that has prevented many from comprehending how it functions? I believe this is the result of the average person always […]

Market Talk – November 29, 2019

ASIA: The US signed the Human Rights and Democracy Act into law, which requires the US to continue to monitor Chinese actions regarding Hong Kong citizen’s rights and freedoms. China issued the US a stern warning that if it continues to support a pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, they will take “firm counter-measures.” The Chinese […]

Market Talk – November 15, 2019

ASIA: US White House economic advisor and Director of the US National Economic Council Larry Kudlow said negotiators between the US and China were in communication via phone. He did not provide details on the timing of a possible deal, but he did say that a trade deal was in reach. Alibaba CEO Daniel Zhang […]

China Moving to Create a Digital Currency

China’s National People’s Congress has passed a new law to create a digital yuan. Back on December 5, 2013, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) took its first step in regulating Bitcoin by prohibiting financial institutions from handling Bitcoin transactions. They were using Bitcoin to get money out of China in a modern money laundering scheme. Cryptocurrency […]

WEC 2019 Orlando – Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door or the Big Fake Out?

We'd like to thank everyone who was able to join us at the World Economic Conference!

If you were not able to join, a video of the event will be available shortly.