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Climate Change & the 43-Year Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I was browsing through the website of NASA and came across a graph (see attachment). It shows the temperature differences between 1880 and 2012. As far as I can see there seems to be a +/- 40-year cycle. I have edited it with the red vertical lines. The end of the current 40-year […]

How Cycles to Diseases are Ignored

It is amazing to me how, outside of physics, the world remains ignorant to the cycles that control absolutely everything right down to the cycle of life. Ebola, like everything else, conforms to cycles. Now another outbreak has just blinked in the Congo where there have been  two confirmed cases after a resurgence nearly 10 months from the […]

Milankovitch Cycles Prove Global Warming is Just Nuts

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I just read your report on the Maya discovery of time and the flipping of the poles. Obviously, from the data you put together, it appears we are in that zone where the poles will flip. Do you have anything that would imply what they would mean for civilization today? WK ANSWER: […]

Cycle of Religion – Detailed

COMMENT:  In your blog on the cycles in religion, you may want to add some more dimensions: (1) Hindu worldview is cyclical over a vast cosmological timescale and then through a fractal (as above so below) astrological philosophy of action there appears an a-causal (synchronistic) relationship between cosmic, global and local possibilities for events which […]

Is There a Cycle to Religion?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong,  With the rise and fall of civilizations comes the rise and fall of religion. Are we due for a new religion to be born, or to have a rapid growth of popularity? Christianity grew rapidly during the fall of the Roman empire, and with the persecution of believers, where are we today […]

Wheat & the Drought Cycle

QUESTION: Interesting that $1.3T US spending bill was enacted on March 23, 2018, exactly 31.459 years after passage of US Tax Reform Act of 1986: Also, the 86 year cycle in drought conditions in the midwest US seems to approach – is this why Marty thinks wheat will bottom this year? The below Wikipedia link […]

Are Cycle Inversions a Precursor to a Change in Trend

QUESTION: Dear Martin In my own study of cycles, I have observed that cycle inversions occur more often than not at a time when the trend in that time frame is starting to change. Have you observed the same? I look forward to your trader service. Best Regards HH ANSWER: Correct. Cycle Inversions unfold routinely when […]

Is their a Social Cycle in Attitudes?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your article of the whole issue of prostitution. The entire problem is that some western women assume that all prostitutes engage in the profession unwillingly. That is just so biased. What about the women who marry not for love but for money. They are not forced. When the Iron Curtain […]

Mexico & the 112 Year Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Martin As usual, I have no words to thank the sincere and incomparable work that you did for us, and almost for free. People like you should be a reference for future generations. You really are a Punk, in the best sense of the word [anti-autoritaritharism, DIY, direct action..]. I’m writing you because the […]

Defining a Cycle Inversion

QUESTION: Can you define cycle inversion and answer the below? 1. What are the specific requirements to confirm a cycle inversion? I have found three elements discussed in the writings, but I am somewhat unclear whether all must be present to confirm a cyclical inversion. i. The period following the turning point must close higher […]