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Britain’s Perspective on World War III

Britain believes the next world war against an “axis of upheaval” will begin within three years. General Sir Roly Walker has issued a warning that Russian President Vladimir Putin will seek revenge against the Western powers who supported Ukraine. He believes China, North Korea, and Iran will form an alliance against the West by 2027 […]

Many Doors Are Opening

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, There are two forecasts that you have made that have been remarkable.  The other one who said on more than one of your interviews that they would attempt to assassinate Trump. I believe it was in 2020 that you said whoever was elected may not finish his term. Do you think Biden […]

The Highest NATO Contributor as a Percentage of GDP

Poland’s Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski announced that his nation plans to increase its NATO spending from 4% of GDP to 5% “because we are no longer in the era of eternal post-Cold War peace.” Sikorski admitted that Donald Trump was correct in stating that other NATO nations were failing to uphold their agreement. Trump famously […]

Assassinations & Markets – Divided We Stand

The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is reverberating around the world, to say the least. Domestically, it depends if you are a Democrat or a Republican. Each camp naturally views the event through their personal view of the world, which is basically unchangeable. If aliens landed from another planet and started wiping out […]

Physics vs Economics

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find it remarkable that your model has always been correct in predicting the economy’s direction. This latest US inflation number shows that it was subsiding, cooling down to the slowest pace since 2021, right in turn with your Economic Confidence Model. Treasuries rallied on expectations that the Fed might cut rates. It […]

Was the 8.6 Frequency a Lost Ancient Knowledge?

I have often been asked the question, WHY did the Greek denomination of the stater comply with the 8.6 frequency of the Economic Confidence Model? The silver stater minted at Corinth was 8.6 grams (0.28 oz) in weight, which was divided into three silver drachmae of 2.9 grams (0.093 oz). Its rival city-state was Athens, and […]

The British Election – How Politicians Refuse to Learn

True to form, turn the economy, and you will get sweeping political change. The Labour victory was a landslide, with about 410 seats, with the Conservatives losing nearly 50% of the seats, all thanks to their alignment with the Globalists. Sir Ed Davey of the Lib Dems gained 53 seats—their best results for a century. […]


Dow   “The Dow Hits First Target 40,000 – What’s Next?” (2024) “Dow Passes Record-Breaking 40,000 Midday – Jan 2020 Forecast Comes to Fruition” (2024) “The Dow Breaks Out to New High Closing” (2024) “A Look Back At Socrates’ Forecasts from January 2020” (2024) “Gold & the Dow Rally Together?” (2023) “The Dow Bounce & […]

USD – Dollar

USD- Dollar “Japan – China – USA” (2024) “IMF Digital Currency to Replace the Dollar” (2024) “Why Does the Government Borrow Its Own Currency?” (2024) “The Second Motive of the Migrant Crisis Revealed” (2024) “The Great De-Dollarization” (2023) “The Birth of the US Dollar” (2023) “BRICS to Replace the Dollar?” (2023) “Digital Dollars – the […]

Real Estate vs Supply & Demand

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My question on real estate is that we are in a period where demand has outpaced supply. Has the migrant crisis and climate change collided to create a perfect storm in real estate? Thank you FH REPLY: The only good news for real estate is that smart money is starting to look […]