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That’s It – Stop Driving all Cars – Stop Hamburgers – Stop All Work

Obviously, we have caused a hole in the magnetic field that will devastate South America and it must be all our fault for driving cars, heating our homes, eating hamburgers and Nathan’s beef hot dogs, smoking, and going to working even virtually since that requires electricity. The image above (created by scientists Christopher Finlay, Clemens […]

How Does ChatGPT Differ From Socrates?

(click on the image to view or keep reading for the computer’s response) How Does ChatGPT Differ From Socrates? A reader asked ChatGPT this exact question, and here is the response: As an AI language model, I differ from the Socrates Platform in several ways. Firstly, the Socrates Platform is a web-based platform developed by […]

Are Brenner & Kondratieff Waves Valid in Commodities?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I have been reading you since your handwritten and from memory letters were getting out from your incarceration. You are truly an amazing man sir. I realize that both the Kondratieff and the Brenner cycles are mostly just coincidental to market cycles today but my question is are both the Kondratieff and […]

US National Debt – A Different Perspective

In 2010, Barron’s wrote a piece on me effectively laughing at my forecast that the share market would rally to new highs. What seems to inevitably unfold is this notion that whatever the event might be in motion, the mere thought of a reversal in trend appears impossible. When the press disagrees with Socrates, I […]

Alvan Bragg & the Destruction of the United States

If Donald Trump is arrested or even indicted by this personally motivated prosecutor in New York City, this is not just un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals, the United States has fallen so far that there is no coming back. Ukraine routinely impressions political rivals because it […]

We Are in the COMPLEXITY & The Collapse of International Law

  We are in the middle of a convergence of so many crises it is hard to keep track. The SWAMP in Washington has always been out of control. There is even a bill being introduced to make it illegal for congressmen and their spouses or family members to be trading on inside information. It […]

There no such thing as Random Walks in Markets or Economics

  COMMENT: Marty, I really cannot thank you enough. Socrates called yesterday as the turning point and it was the strongest one of the week. We got the bounce when everyone was in a panic state claiming that the Fed would not have to lower rates. They really do not understand central banks as you […]

The Dow Bounce & Socrates

  COMMENT #1: Marty; I just wanted to thank you so much for Socrates. Where everyone seemed to be calling the market emotionally, Socrates’ forecast for this week was a target months ago and was very impressive. But the Daily Array picked the very day as Monday with a directional change and turning point. It […]

The Debt Crisis – What Really Falls to Dust?

QUESTION: The sales pitch seems to be that there is this $2 quadrillion in global debt that overhangs everything. Paper assets, therefore, will all implode!  They seem to be saying that everything has risen due to this debt bubble and it was all created with Zero interest rates. Now that they are going up, the debt […]

2032 & the Real Great Reset

COMMENT: Marty; A lot of people are concerned that you may just say the hell with it all and move to your island in the Caribbean. A lot of us always stood by you and many more are joining the ranks. There are so many who claim to be brilliant analysts but it is just […]