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Ideas Repeat throughout History

COMMENT: Good morning, I am glad to see that you publicly touched on the idea of expiring credits, that in fact are in play. It is an old idea that has been talked and written about by members of the Club in many of their Private think tanks and in books and other literature going […]


QUESTION #1`: Marty, At the October 2019 WEC you made some eerily prescient statements about two things, first, if the market were to make a low going into the January 2020 period, that might be the bottom; or, if a high were made then(it did), then something profound would appear to happen in the February March […]

Why Global Warming was a Total Farce & it’s Now Incorporated into the Great Reset

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your computer and you have been correct on everything from politics to markets and even climate. You said we would be headed back to global cooling.  Was this based on the solar waves of energy from the sun? Thank you for the thought-provoking blog DL ANSWER: This is the Western Plague in […]

Was the Entire Capitol Seige a Deliberate False Flag?

  AOC has deliberately lied saying she thought her life was in danger when the building she was in was never under siege. The offices of senators and members of Congress are is separate buildings. Pelosi had an office in the Capitol Building because she is the Speaker of the House. Yet her main office […]

Resistance is NOT Futile

  Despite Wikipedia, Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the Marxist philosophy press, despite them all promoting the virus to impose an authoritarian socialist regime over the entire world conspiring against democracy and human rights, which include freedom of speech, people are starting to fight back. Many […]

Conspiracy & Reality

  Anybody who dares to try to link COVID with the Great Reset is suddenly dangerous and a conspiracy theorist. Here is a video from Kaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum pushing the Great Reset. Here is a clip just in case they remove it. Here is Dr. Anthony Fauci saying the same thing that COVID […]

Left’s Great Stalinist Purge of All Our Freedoms

It began with Twitter shutting down Trump. Then Google & Apple shut off Parler and its owner and his family have had to go into hiding because of death threats from the left. Now Google and Apple are continuing their Great Stalinistic Purge of the Internet. They are shutting down any free speech they can […]

Uganda Blocks Facebook – They Should Not Say Who Can Be Heard of Not in Our Country

  The tyranny unleashed by Facebook, Google, and Twitter is unimaginable. What right do they have to censor people around the world and block anyone with whom they disagree? Zuckerberg and Dorsey will go down in history as tyrannical leaders who have sought to rule the dialog of the entire world. They have no such […]

What Now?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Given the current situation, and your forecast of what’s to come, what do we, the people, do now to protect ourselves on all sides? It’s obvious that our votes mean nothing and even if they did we are only voting for an establishment, not an individual who has our best interests in […]

Facebook Bans Ron Paul

After criticizing Facebook for censorship, they banned Ron Paul, who must in Zuckerberg’s mind be a Domestic Terrorist because he does not support his anti-Constitution movement. Facebook and Twitter and Google are running the risk that 50% of the population will seek alternatives and refuse to invest in any fund that invests in any of […]