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Hillary is a Lesbian

Well the emails are now pouring in saying: “OMG, your sources are unbelievable.”  Back on July 18th, i told the story that when the Clintons first entered the White House, I received a call with the source was the Secret Service saying that Hillary was a lesbian. I wrote: “Shortly after the Clintons entered the […]

Wikileaks Releases 1st Batch of Hillary Emails with new releases every week until the election

Wikileaks says it will release every week more damning emails from Hillary. The first batch show Hillary’s campaign was very concerned that remarks she made in paid speeches to Wall Street firms would come out. This is why she would never release those speeches and the mainstream media just goes along with the cover-up. Various […]

WikiLeaks Postpones Release of Hillary Documents

Julian Assange of WikiLeaks has long-promised a document dump on Hillary Clinton that many have suspected might be her emails. This was to take place today from the balcony of London’s Ecuadorian Embassy, where Assange has sought sanctuary for years. This event has been canceled due to what he deems as “security concerns” imposed by the […]

Worker Claims to Discover a Warehouse in Ohio loaded with Ballots for Hillary Already Filled Out

A story is floating around now that a worker discovered ballot boxed filled with tens of thousands of votes set up for Hillary in Ohio. No such photographs of the actual ballots have been produced so it appears that this may be a hoax. We warned that this was a developing story. There is no […]

Trump or Hillary – To Be or Not To Be

QUESTION: Would you endorse Trump personally? ANSWER: No. Not for anything he has done or said. I do not believe in politics in general and I certainly question whether or not a single person can change the trend anyhow. We are in a decline and fall position. Hillary is simply the queen of corruption. She […]

October Surprise – Hillary FIRST, America SECOND

The Hillary Clinton email scandal never ends. In all reality, one has to really question why Democrats are allowing her to run as their candidate. They seem to be making a choice between being a Democrat and being an American. Hillary’s email practices will not go away because most reasonable people know that you do […]

Why Won’t Hillary Release Her Medical Records? What is She Hiding?

The talk behind the curtain is that Hillary has a brain implant to calm her Parkinson’s disease. This way to deal with the disease is becoming more common as the FDA has approved such implants. This video shows the dramatic results of how this technology works. The rumor is that this is why Hillary was not publicly around for […]

Debate a Non-Event Press Declares Hillary Won

Well of course the press has made it known that their verdict on the first U.S. presidential debate is that Hillary Clinton “won”, yet Donald Trump didn’t lose badly enough to really change anything. Hillary avoided offering to produce her emails and Trump was playing Mr. Nice Guy while Hillary was negative and nasty. The roles […]

Hillary Also Had An Undisclosed Gmail Account

Hillary also had an undisclosed Gmail account. It’s amazing how Hillary hides everything, never tells the truth, covers everything up, and yet the New York Times endorses her. You have to wonder what is going on here. This woman is so distrustful that there is no comparison to any other American politician in history. They threw […]

Obama Used a Fictitious Name to Communicate with Hillary on Her Private Server

Once a politician, always a politician. They are just incapable of telling the truth. The New York Post, who may become the American version of the British Guardian, has now exposed that Obama used a fake name to communicate with Hillary on her private server because he KNEW what she was doing. While tens of thousands of Clinton’s emails […]