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Ukraine to Bribe Whistleblowers

The corruption is so widespread in Ukraine that the government is offering whistleblowers payment for reporting any fraud. The National Agency of Corruption Prevention has created a digital portal for Ukrainians to report any suspected corruption to receive a reward. Tell-tales may receive 10% of the bounty up to 14 million hryvnias ($380,000). A recent […]

The Death of Mainstream Media?

  QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong; Being a European and looking in the window of America, how can Americans hate Trump so much and overlook Biden and Hunter? America is becoming the laughingstock of the world. They want to imprison Trump and let this senile man and his corrupt son corrupt the world and create a […]

US Credit Rating & the Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: What do you make of the US debt downgrade? Do you think this has anything to do with indicting Trump in three courts? I know many people decided to donate to Trump today, even for the first time, as a sign of disapproval of the Biden Administration and the RINOs. HJ ANSWER: It is […]

Trump Indicted Again to Interfere in the 2024 Election

I have been warning that 2024 will be the most corrupt election in the history of the United States. Our computer has warned that we may not even have an election in 2024 which could be carried out not just on the massive scale of corruption, but they can stage a war to justify locking […]

Interview: Living in a Coup with Massive Election Rigging & War

  Commentary by Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong was forecasting “chaos” in 2023, and that’s exactly what we got.  His cycle work says don’t look for it to get better anytime soon.  Armstrong explains, “We are in the midst of a coup.  We have all these people who have been […]

Hunting and Fishing Bans

The Biden Administration is making sure Americans turn to lab-grown fake meat by placing restrictions on fishing and hunting. They do not want us to live off the land or have access to free food. Big government will provide everything you need. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) issued its 2023-2024 hunting and fishing […]

The Collapse in Confidence of US Government is Here

Despite the cheering from the Washington Post, CNN, NY Times, the rest of the anti-Democracy press, and all the Democrats who were brainwashed into thinking Trump really won only because of Putin in the Hillary version of conspiracy theory (misinformation), what they have unleashed is the international collapse in confidence of the United States. Ever […]

Burisma Audio Tapes Coming Soon?

The mainstream media continually calls Biden’s Burisma bribery misinformation. Senator Chuck Grassley made a stunning claim that a Burisma executive is currently in possession of recorded calls with Hunter and Joe Biden in which they discuss the $5 million bribe. The then-vice president and the executive referred to the bribe as an “insurance policy” for […]

Is Zelensky Concerned About a Coup?

There are quiet whispers inside various EU governments that Zelensky should resign. Inside Ukraine, it was highly suspicious that in January, conveniently, Ukraine’s leading officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (similar to our FBI) charged with protecting the state and the people against illegal actions by those in power all died in […]

Donald Trump Will Be Convicted

  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that the Democrats would have stooped to such a low position as they have by indicting Trump. This is so in-your-face political and I can GUARANTEE that Trump will be convicted and the facts will NEVER matter. New York is the MOST corrupt legal system […]