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Merkel’s Refugee Crisis

Of course, Chancellor Angela Merkel has denied that allowing the refugees in has led to the recent Islamic terrorist attacks. She has admitted that fighting crime and Islamist terrorism will be key challenges for the year, and she is adopting a law and order position after attacks in Germany have seen her approval ratings collapse. […]

European Banking Crisis

Is a the European bank rally sustainable? European banks continue to rally marginally following the release of the European Bank Authority stress test. However, risks remain with a referendum to be held in Italy proposing to redesign their election process putting any Italian bank restructuring at risk. The EU banking committee proudly announced positive stress […]

Asset Recycling – Robbing Pensions to Cover Govt. Costs

We are facing a pension crisis, thanks to negative interest rates that have destroyed pension funds. Pension funds are a tempting pot of money that government cannot keep its hands out of. The federal government of Canada, for example, is looking to reduce the cost of government by shifting Canada’s mounting infrastructure costs to the […]

401K Coming Crisis – Robbing Your Future for Govt. Employees

401K is a Private Retirement Fund under US Law QUESTION: Martin, I’m still fairly young, so I don’t have a lot saved in my retirement accounts yet, but I’ve been maxing out my IRA for the last few years to get the tax deduction. I worry because I’ve heard you and others talk about congress wanting […]

Euro Crisis & the Dollar

  We are finishing up the world currency reports. The reports are not ready at this time, but we will make an announcement once they are available. As we stated at the conferences, nothing appears ready to break before May. Nevertheless, the crazy period ahead appears to be the 2017-2020 time frame. The euro held […]

The Global Economic Crisis

Far too many people have underestimated the changes in the global economy. This year’s conference will focus on the significant instability risks that are associated with the economic slowdown in China, and the crisis in the emerging markets. This will impact the German exports, and the refugee crisis in Europe will only help to push the economic […]

IMF Warns That We Have a New Crisis Coming

  QUESTION: Marty; You mentioned that you met with a board member of the IMF. It certainly seems you are having a much larger impact than you may realize. The IMF is now warning of a crash. Do you think you can help reverse the trend if given the chance? Thank you for caring BG […]

The Greek Proposal: No End to the Crisis by Any Means

The Greek proposals included higher taxes, welfare charges, and steps to curtail early retirement. This is simply more deflationary pressure that will crack Greece apart. However, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is not prepared to cut nominal pension or wage cuts first sought by lenders, which would more likely than not spark revolution. Tsipras, who was elected in January […]

The Crisis in Democracy – Debt & Electronic Money

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Would you be able to clarify the risks with having just an electronic money system – it would seem that any electronic system would be vulnerable to viruses, bugs, hacking, and other collapse. Also a completely electronic system would possibly be a tool of a tyrannical government simply to shut dissenters down. […]

The Coming Public Debt Crisis

COMMENT: Hi Martin I am a macro manager. I read your article on April 9th about Public/ private. I agree it will happen but Commercial banks hold only a tiny part of the US Treasury as you will see from the graph attached. They will probably buy on the way up and China reserve growth […]