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Strategized Civil Unrest Staged Across the World

Protestors throughout the West are protesting on behalf of Palestine in a deliberate effort to destabilize national politics. Greta Thunberg, a girl with no knowledge of war or science, took part in a Swedish pro-Palestinian protest that attracted a group of up to 12,000. These events are clearly staged when they use a famous social […]

Squad Members Call for Netanyahu’s Arrest

The progressive “squad” members have been fueling the flames of unrest over the Israel-Palestine conflict, naturally supporting Palestine. Squad member Rep. Tlaib (D-Mich) called for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and has accused him of genocide, coming forth with these claims on May 7. She is bypassing every branch of Washington and […]

British MoD Allegedly Hacked by China on May 7

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on May 7 that they were targeted by hackers. The initial announcement did not state who was responsible, but Sky News reported that their sources claim China is to blame. There has been much news of heightened tensions with China around the May 7 target. Did China hack the […]

Public Sector Multiplying – Skewed Jobs Report

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell essentially said he was unimpressed by the “strong” jobs report, and it certainly was not enough for the central bank to even consider dropping rates. I wrote how the BLS report was skewed; Americans are working more than one job and still struggling to keep up with the cost of living […]

Argentina Posts First Surplus in Over a Decade

It took President Javier Milei of Argentina a mere two months to push his nation into a surplus. The Economy Ministry declared that the government posted a $589 million surplus, the first surplus in recent memory. Western media has been silent about Milei’s victory as his policies are pushing the nation back on the path […]

The LEFT is Winning

The LEFT is ALWAYS much more violent than the RIGHT. The simple difference is that the core philosophy of the RIGHT is you leave me alone, and I will leave you alone. But the core philosophy of the LEFT is always concerned about other people, from them making more than they do to being more […]

Trying to Save the Future – Redesigning Government

It took the Roman Empire about 314 years (Pi) to realize that it was just too big and complicated for one man to rule. The Tetrarchy was the system instituted by Roman emperor Diocletian (284-305AD) in 293 AD to govern the Empire by dividing it between two emperors, the augusti (presidents), and their junior colleagues […]

Russia Deems South Korea an Unfriendly Nation

Russia’s ties to North Korea have strained its relationship with South Korea. South Korea has placed sanctions on Russian entities and individuals, with Russia responding by deeming South Korea an “unfriendly nation,” or in other words, an enemy. “This is an unfriendly move by Seoul and is deeply regrettable. The imposition of – I emphasize […]

Norway Interview: Debt, Digital Currencies, and Political Tensions

Click here or on the image above to listen to my Norway interview with 2 Vikings Podcast. In what ways does Armstrong suggest the Eurozone’s financial practices are unsustainable, and what does he foresee as the potential fallout from such practices? Considering Armstrong’s skepticism towards digital currencies and government debt, what alternatives does he propose […]

Climate Change Justifies Killing 2 billion People to Save the Planet Before 2027

I have written in the past few weeks that all my sources are DEEPLY concerned that the Climate Change movement is transforming into using war to reduce the population. I have warned that the Climate Change zealots who have usurped the White House along with the NEOCONS are in bed together. They are pushing for […]