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Hunt for Taxes: Safe-Deposit Boxes Under Attack

HSBC is altering its oversight of safe-deposit boxes in Hong Kong. Governments are targeting safe-deposit boxes to look for cash that is hiding from taxation. HSBC, a U.K. bank, is now moving against claimed financial crimes by altering conditions for safe-deposit boxes. This is becoming a global trend. Anything of value that is stored in a […]

Why Taxes are Obsolete

My TED Talk. They reworked the sound which for some reason had problems originally.

European Court of Justice: Banks Cannot Rely on Secrecy Laws to Deny Taxes

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has stated that banking secrecy established in Austria cannot be relied upon by German bank branches in Austria to defeat tax authorities. Branches of German credit institutions in Austria must, therefore, provide information on accounts and assets to German tax authorities if a German customer is deceased to allow […]

Obama Wants Worldwide Taxes

Obama is calling for worldwide tax reform as is his socialist IMF candidate Christine Lagarde. “There is no doubt that the problem of global tax avoidance generally is a huge problem,” Obama said. This whole issue focuses on people not paying whatever the government demands. It never addresses government squandering money. Obama went on to say, “We […]

Lagarde – Wants to Raise Retirement Age & Taxes

Christine Lagarde remains at the IMF as one of three Troika members because she is a Socialist. She is now on board with raising both the retirement age and taxes while closing all borders to the movement of capital. She is also pushing behind the curtain for the SDR to replace the dollar, and then […]

Plagues & Changes in Economics — The Hunt for Taxes

QUESTION: I assume you have studied this hunt for money government goes through. Has it always ended in the collapse of government?

Draghi Lied; Claims the ECB Is Withdrawing the €500 Note for Crime and Not Taxes

Mario Draghi has claimed that the European Central Bank would withdraw its €500 highest-denomination banknote only to combat crime— not to curb the use of paper money — but you really cannot expect him to tell the truth. If he really told the truth, he would set off a panic withdraw from banks. The USA use to print […]

The Solution – Debt & Taxes

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was given your Solution DVD for Christmas by my son. I just began reading your blog for days. This has been an eye opening experience and it has even opened a dialog with my son. So you can teach old dogs new tricks. So my conclusion is that we can step […]

China to Stimulate by Cutting Taxes

China is demonstrating that it is more practical than anyone else in the industrialized world. They have announced that they will “reasonably” set limits on new local government debt in 2016. Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said at a work conference in Beijing on Monday that they will actually limit local debt; something nobody else does. China […]

Clintons' Gift to Bankers Made Student Loans the ONLY Exception to Bankruptcy Alongside Taxes

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Since watching ‘The Forecaster’ I read your blog daily: thank you for all you have done to make sense out of the current phase of the economic cycle we are in.  Some call it the fourth turning or winter and it helps to see the bigger picture. About the loans: how […]