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Market Talk – July 2, 2020

ASIA: The US Senate has approved a final version of legislation that would punish China for moves that lawmakers fear will crush democratic freedoms in Hong Kong. The move by lawmakers comes as China has passed a controversial national security law for Hong Kong that lends Beijing sweeping new powers over the semi-autonomous city. The […]

Market Talk – June 24, 2020

ASIA: Indian and Chinese military commanders have agreed to disengage troops from a heavily disputed stretch of their border where a clash last week left 20 Indian soldiers dead, an Indian government source said on Tuesday. Senior military officials from both sides met for several hours on Monday in an attempt to reduce tensions in […]

Market Talk – May 26, 2020

ASIA: An internal Chinese report warns that China is facing a rising wake of hostility in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak that could tip relations with United States into a confrontation, people familiar with the matter told Reuters. State media reports say that Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday directed China’s armed forces to […]

Market Talk – May 19, 2020

ASIA: China’s Foreign Ministry on Tuesday spoke highly of World Health Organization (WHO) member states’ adherence to the one-China principle, saying that this proved “Taiwan independence” will lead nowhere. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks after the World Health Assembly (WHA) decided not to discuss a proposal made by Taiwan authorities and a […]

Market Talk – May 5, 2020

ASIA: Early this morning, China launched a pivotal new rocket, carrying a prototype deep-space spacecraft. China declared the launch a success, and it now paves the way for a slew of critical launches over the next year. China reported one new coronavirus case for May 4, down from three the day before, data from the […]

Market Talk – April 29, 2020

ASIA: India’s sovereign rating could come under pressure if its fiscal outlook deteriorates further as the government tries to steer the country through the coronavirus crisis, rating agency Fitch said on Tuesday. Fitch currently rates India at BBB-, with a stable outlook, but any downgrade would consign its sovereign debt to junk bond territory. The […]

Market Talk – April 24, 2020

ASIA: The Indian government has announced a new policy on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from border sharing countries. The new law came into effect after the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) notification which was released late night on April 22. This law mandated prior government approvals for FDI from India’s neighbors such as Pakistan, China, […]

The Crisis in Agriculture

What is taking place in agriculture as a direct result of this contrived virus pandemic is beyond contemplation. The agriculture industry can provide some insight on what’s going on. Wheat has rallied to 5870 during March, just poking through the broad uptrend channel from the Great Depression. There is a major crisis unfolding, in part, […]

Market Talk – March 26, 2020

ASIA: India announced an economic stimulus package worth $22.5 billion on Thursday to help millions of low-income households cope with a 21-day lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak. The package will be disbursed through food security measures for poor households and through direct cash transfers to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts directly. India banned exports of […]

Market Talk – March 19, 2020

ASIA: India reported two more deaths due to the coronavirus, bringing the death toll to five. The Indian government announced a total ban on flights by scheduled international passenger aircraft at Indian airports from March 22 to 29. Prime Minister Narendra Modi requested in his address to the nation to not come out of their […]