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The Age of Censorship

Mainstream media has become a joke. They will not report anything the government tells them not to. Snowden had to go to the Guardian in London because if he walked into any major news agency in the USA, they would have first called the NSA. They all they report only because the Guardian broke the […]

Communism/Socialism v Capitalism/Democracy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; This battle between socialism and capitalism, is there any precedent from history that you can site for this clash of Titans? Thanks; DP ANSWER: Oh yes. Marx was convinced about communism from the French who began the commune movement in the late 1700s with the French Revolution. However, Marx did research and […]

Swiss Proposal to End Private Banking

The Swiss are getting a bad reputation for starting to have some off-the-chain socialist nut-job groups who obviously do not understand humanity, desire to suppress it and control it, and never bother to investigate an issue before blurting out solutions. The latest proposal is to effectively destroy banking completely assuming that leverage is the problem. […]

The Press Keep Talking The Market Down – Historically this is Very Bullish Indeed

I have warned about how the press had constantly written negatively about the rising stock market during the 1920s.  Once again, the press are now hanging on the hope that the Fed will start to raise rates to justify their bearish bias swearing the market cannot be justified at these highs. However, I have shown […]

What do you Want for Free?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why shouldn’t the rich pay more taxes? You defend the billionaires at the expense of the average person. How do you justify that? ANSWER: There are not enough billionaires to pay the bill for everyone else. Job growth since 1948 in government reached 310% in 2009 compared to 170% in non-farm private […]

Christine Lagarde – The Most Dangerous Woman in the World – IMF Advocates Taking Pensions & Extending Maturities of Gov’t Debt to Prevent Redemption

I have gone on record that the most dangerous organization is the now French led IMF with Christine Lagarde at the helm, which has presented a concept report that debt cuts for over-indebted states are uncompromising and are to be performed more effectively in the future by defaulting on retirement accounts held in life insurance, mutual […]

London & The Labour Socialists

  The feeling in London is certainly one of let the good times roll. What you see everywhere is million dollar sports cars, abundant Bentleys, and no shortages of Rolls. Property inside the M25 (London) has gone nuts. A Friend went to put out the trash and bloke went up to him and offered 7 […]

Bank Runs in Bulgaria

The financial system is simply imploding because those running the affairs of government are more concerned about retaining power than providing economic stability. There are people who are so polarized on each side of many issues from hyperinflation, global elites, socialists hating the rich, communists who see capitalism as evil, and politicians who blame tax avoiders. […]

Civil Unrest Rising Everywhere – Including the UK

The greatest problem we have is misinformation. People simply do not comprehend why and how the economic policies of the post-war era are imploding. This whole agenda of socialism has sold a Utopian idea that the State is there for the people yet it is run by lawyers following their own self-interest. The pensions created […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Beginning

Argentina has bluntly stated it cannot make the next bond payment. The exist fees being attacked to long-bond funds is also the realization that our models are spot on. I am off to urgent meetings in Europe. All I can say is our phone has been red-hot. Equities are rapidly becoming the new international gold […]