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EU Wants to seize money from All European Banks on a Flat Rate Basis

The European Banking Crisis is beyond description. A leak has come out that the Commission will simply seize money from all the banks on a flat rate basis benefiting the banks that have lost money from trading at the expense of the small savings banks. Wolfgang Schäuble (born 1942) is Germany’s Federal Minister of Finance. He […]

Hollande Calls for EU to Reduce Its Role

French President Francois Hollande at last got the message. The people do not want more social justice, they want freedom. Hollande called on Monday addressing the French people on TV stating that the European Union must reduce its role and that it had become “remote and incomprehensible”. He at last got the message saying that “[t]his […]

Historic Trade Deal Russia & China – Will this Dethrone the USD?

QUESTION: My question is this: Russia and China making bilateral trade not using USD, China doing so with other countries etc. the buzz now is USD falling from grace. Yet is seems to me that as long as currencies out there are relating in any way with USD, and oil is priced in USD then […]

Why Conspiracy Theories Give Way Too Much Credit to Mythical People

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I retired this year from …. where my boss has gone to these yearly Bilderberg meetings. I just wanted to say that they are indeed as clueless as you report. Quite frankly, many follow your writings for the greatest fear is the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the global hunt for tax money. There is […]

Real Conspiracy – the Manipulation of Politics to Save the Euro

 (The Euro in Crisis) When the Euro was on the drawing boards, the committee to create the Euro came to our seminar in London and took the whole back row. I was there at the beginning and have first hand knowledge about how it was being designed. I warned them at that time the euro […]

US Relinquishing Control over Internet Names to Appease NSA Critics

The backlash from the NSA has led U.S. officials to symbolically announce plans to relinquish federal government control over the administration of the Internet domain names, a move that pleased international critics. However, this has alarmed many business leaders and others who rely on the smooth functioning of the Worldwide Web. Clearly, the pressure to […]

Europeans Enter Final Stage on How to Pay for the European Failed Banking System

There are talks going on in Europe on how to deal with the massive banking failure in Europe. Of course, nobody want to admit that the cause of this failure was not risky banking – but BRAIN-DEAD political design of the Euro. Because there was no consolidation of the national debts, there was no single […]

The Gold Question – Luck v Fate

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I’m a long time reader and great admirer of your efforts.  I recently read an analysts opinion on inflation that I want to share with you. This analyst maintains that the Fed’s actions to stimulate the economy has done nothing more than fill the pockets of the very bankers that caused the economic […]


The Right to Privacy GRISWOLD V. CONNECTICUT, 381 US 479 (1965) Syllabus Appellants, the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, and its medical director, a licensed physician, were convicted as accessories for giving married persons information and medical advice on how to prevent conception and, following examination, prescribing a contraceptive device or […]

Europe is a Basket Case – Just Turnout the Lights Now & Save Energy

The German high court has issued a stunning attack upon the European Central Bank, arguing that its rescue plan for the euro violates EU treaty law and exceeds the bank’s policy mandate. Anyone who studied just one semester of law understands that this decision is right on point. One of the primary reasons I disagree with […]