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China Moving to Take the Lead in Technology

China is moving rapidly to advance and take the lead in technology from the United States and they will accomplish that in the years ahead. China is moving very fast on every front. China is moving faster on quantum communications and computing and they are embracing real Artificial Intelligence that is being ignored by the powers that […]

Hillary’s What Happened – She Lost & It Was Her Fault!

Hillary is running around pitching her book – What Happened. Of course, we all know the answer – she lost. The problem is that she takes no blame for that and like a fool who buys the market at the top, they come up with conspiracy theories to blame everyone else for their failed investment. […]

Is Europe Repeating the 1930s?

Europe is now replicating the 1930s and the mistakes it made with austerity back then as well outside of Germany. Of course, Merkel has imposed the German view of austerity based on their experience but has ignored the opposite experience of the rest of Europe that led to the 1931 Sovereign Debt Crisis and mass […]

Nonlinear Complexity – Too Much for Most People to Comprehend

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong. Good day to you Martin. I know you are a very busy man, but I still like to send you emails time to time, hoping that you may read my email and respond to me. In regards to your recent post about the theory of Non-linear intervention, I was quietly amazed […]

Bill & Hillary No Longer Talk?

Edward Klein, the former foreign editor of Newsweek and former editor of The New York Times Magazine, has written several books about the Clintons and Kennedys. Klein has now come out with All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump. An exposé on Hillary revealing the truth behind the facade. The fact that Hillary has really been a lesbian is why […]

Democrats Collapsing with Socialism?

QUESTION: Marty; I just read Time Magazine that said the Democrats are in the worse shape since 1929. I understand you take no personal credit for all of these amazing forecasts you provide on so many topics. You have clearly shown that the world is connected and the global trend is identifiable. Can your computer […]

Why is Congress at 31% & Trump at 41% Approval in the Polls?

A root cause for Congressional ineffectiveness will be found in the simple fact that the exercise of good governmental judgment cannot possibly compete with re-election pressures. This is why term limits are ABSOLUTELY  MANDATORY if we ever hope to have a reasonable government. There is a substantial conflict between good government and corrupt ineffective government. Congress […]

The Bull Market – This time It Really Is Different

This current Bull Market has indeed been the most hated in history. Typically one expects complete euphoria as new highs are made. However, this bull market is really different this time. This rally is by no means the product of euphoria. While the majority of analysts have been calling for a crash since 2010 and […]

Do States in USA Have a Right to Leave?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I agree with your blog post about sharing the Declaration of Independence, and how a people have the right to declare independence. Hypothetically, what would your thoughts be if a State decided to leave our Federal Republic… would you believe that a State has the right to declare independence? Thank you for […]

Sports on the Decline

COMMENT: Looks like Socrates was correct about the NFL – peaked and now declining! With or without Trump’s help! Bravo! REPLY: Yes. The Cowboys and Cardinals linked arms amid National Anthem protests displays a sad day for where we are headed. The Sports Cycle is indeed a leading indicator of the decline and fall of an empire. […]